Sunday, 28 March 2021

Forgiveness and hope

You can never tell
Any story to tell,
You hear the words 
“That never hurt me when I was a lad?”
Yet the trauma induced actually delivered what was truly sad.

That person now needs to forgive
And who better to go to?..
God’s healing is to overcome 
When you reach that place of hope
The forgiveness is prayerful in the quest from there I elope.

People apprehensive if you have gifts
Thinking it’s weird and not the ‘norm’,
Don’t you know God produces miracles to give you strength?
Removing the bitterness, keeping toxicity at arms length.

There is hope in prayer to lead towards forgiveness 
There are tears from the pain you’ve held inside,
Don’t thank the person what they have done 
Thank the Lord almighty, from the battle his son has won.

“I held hatred for years... I wanted to destroy people, and it didn’t help that I went to the gym and restored fitness levels I never thought were possible .. yet it was the Father restoring my heart to heal and come towards him... thank you Lord πŸ™πŸ½❤️“
28th March 2021

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The world is full of differences With shapes, sizes, colours and cultures Aren’t we to embrace? and not act like vultures. Treat as you want...