Tuesday, 23 March 2021

Wishing you a great journey

An honour to work for you;
You will do great in your next health quest,
Even though we have met virtually 
I feel your passion for health, and zest.

Fighting to make a positive change 
Fighting with humility connected through a leadership fore
The aim to support health needs, are refreshing to the core.

 Bless you
You will learn to make positive change
Prayers heading in your direction
We know health economy faces challenges in the aim for patient perfection.

At the end of the day
The words “thank you” come from my heart and through the mouth
Focusing on doing right when challenges cause a mist,
Clarity in vision from this journey that’s never ending 
You are on a great journey, remember that, forever transcending 

 Bless you Vicky ❤️πŸ™πŸ½

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