Monday, 22 March 2021

Worry?.. Please pray to God ❤️πŸ™πŸ½

When feeling sad and do not know what to do?
Struggling for a positive outcome and can’t see any clue?
Not finding the result you where you want to ensue,

Simply pray, it won’t hurt.. actually it will lift
Holding people together through the tribulations and their rift..

So sorry bad things have happened to you,
People leaving you there dangling, making the situation far worse
Yet through prayer in the Father, he would defeat others curse.

We all need security and protection 
There’s hope praying to the Father who loves you so much
Toxic vibes, refuting the devils touch.

You are strong and you are here
You have nothing in this world to fear,
Just fear the Lord, in a sense it is right,
He has your best interests and will overcome all of your fights.

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