Sunday, 7 March 2021

Everything to live for 🙏🏽❤️

Defeat is not always failure
You pursue your dreams and goals,
You look to Faith and there you shall glow.

You have everything to live for
People will judge and can hit the nail when you are down,
Faith comes from an Angel moving 
Your skills endeavoured the art which you are soothing.

Soothing to make it right
Skills to enjoy when you bring out your best, 
Facing an opponent to enhance this coordinated skill 
You have everything to fight for, from this you shall thrill.

Make it happen
I’ll support you the best I can, 
Yet it’s Faith that I have inside which releases these words
The power to keep moving forward are constantly which I have heard.

“Gary, God is with you.. and there is everything to fight for❤️❤️❤️  #justsaying.

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