Wednesday, 31 March 2021

Victorious *Easter Poem

He has won
Defeated death on the third day,
His victory was achieved by overcoming our sins 
Joy to the Father from these words I bring.

His victory defeated the Gentiles
And showed a resurrection to say who he was, 
No matter how many kings they were
His glory showed the strength from the hutch has emerged.

You are never alone when speaking up the Lord;
He wanted to help
Show kindness like no other,
Teaching the spiritual path
Especially when the devil unleashed his timid wrath.

It is over... famous words finally said 
His children are now saved 
From the righteous one 
Who showed us how to become forever brave. 

“Victory achieved and love supersedes any inequities we showed. Happy Easter, the son has finally rosed”
31th March 2021

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