Sunday, 28 March 2021

Life of a person with type 1 diabetes

There’s a funny saying 
“I am not a diabetic, I am a person with diabetes”
I am person who loves understanding his own  condition
It’s more than just monitoring blood glucose precision.

Think of a condition where you face a blood sugar low?
You need to take pro-action analytically 
And need to be strong unequivocally.

If like me? you analyse your auto-immune condition to get it right 
This situation isn’t a sniffling cold?
It’s auto-immune related
Meaning? What you do isn’t about avoiding sugar intake,
You need the sugar to generate the energies to align 
You will learn so much about your body, and how to avoid insulin injections to benign.

I love the subject 
Do not like having the condition,
Yet I have learned so much about myself in how the organs work
And any endocrinologist would advise: “you take control if it, not ‘it’ of you...”
I pray in the love of God he regenerates the beta cells to release insulin inside of those in this struggle,
Yet there is faith in hoping and getting out of this diabetes co-fuddle. 

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