Friday, 10 February 2023

Just somethings….are

Just need to pray and be afar 
The heat in the kitchen is pipping hot
It’s mention in the book of Daniel when the fires causes a clot.

Yet sometimes we need to say: “I’ll leave you be” 
This is protection for the soul,
I wish you well whose reading this, my ask to the Father is ask “when do I need to go that little slow?”

I know what I need to do
I need to work this out,
I am not asking to read passages to restore my faith?
The correct fellowship is the challenge we rightly embrace.

I need peace, for now
The elevation shall ramp up in time when God says you can cope,
At the moment now Father, I do need to talk to you to bring me calm
I know for certain I am comforted from this wrath, I know there shan’t be anymore harm.

10th February 2023

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