Tuesday, 28 February 2023

The past… stays there… behind

History can sometimes hold us back
Why I raise this? We are all children of God irrespective of culture or colour, ain’t you my sister or brother? 

Look into all history, we have all encountered hurts
Do I blame a race or culture? Or that person from whom I was once burnt.

Yet forgiveness is God’s to request 
Free will, and THAT fills you with zest.

Blame me?? Please I am sad for what went on
If I was there, I would have prayed and fought the enslavers to how they were so  wrong.

How dare anyone treat anyone with ill contempt 
Blaming a group of people is so sad,
Reinventing anger is slightly mad.

Pray to God for all of us to unite
Yes, I am angered for the past pain caused
But look at all history first, starting with 1482.. there is my clause.

28th February 2023

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