Wednesday, 22 February 2023

Living with maths (Diabetes poem)

You start the day knowing what you cannot do
Diabetes is an art like no other challenge,
Calculating food, exercise and all that sort of thing 
Balancing insulin injections or pump releases 
Your auto immune wasn’t breaking down food, in pieces.

We don’t produce enough insulin
Or like me, none at all,
Working out your daily amount 
Preventing to get into sixes and sevens, just like a boxing bout.

Don’t get me wrong? 
I wish no one to face the backlash when all goes wrong,
Others trying to nail you down, where they think you belong.

You see? people with this condition are exceptionally calculated fighters
Don’t get me wrong? we have our lows. But we face life with a flame fuelled igniters.

Each of you with this fight must take credit in abundance 
What we endure is something great
None of this should have been our fate,
However, one day they shall be a cure 
and that regulated insulin will come from the inside, just like before.

“To all the brilliant diabetes people out there.”
22nd February 2023

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