Tuesday, 28 February 2023


20s…So different now from the time I was that age,
You didn’t have a phone to control your movements
Yet diversity is identified more now, with people mixing
There is a kindred spirit, but patience is limiting.

You may have controlling parents 
Whose chains you eventually break,
Some love you, some are not ready
Others wise, others immature and not steady.

You listen to others, their stories which they tell
Some messages you are more patient to hear,
Others petrify you and delve you with unnecessary fear.

Remember, first foremost this is your life
The trick is listen, to love and laughter to make you rise
Try not to overthink, that’s when nothing gets done and there’s a surprise.

Remember be kind, if people are rude, then they are fickle and wrong,
Yes you are sensitive, but in time there shall be a balance where you become spiritually strong..

“From my friend Desray xxx”
1st March 2023

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