Wednesday, 31 March 2021

Thankful prayer

Thank you Lord for giving me hope
Thank you for giving me a job,
And if I didn’t have one 
I have the bestest thing... yes that’s you,
Nothing compares from the passage you want me to en-dearly ensue.

Thank you for giving me the free speech of prayer
When anger hits our hearts 
The lifting of your spirit never departs.

Thank you for clarity of hope
Than you for for saving me and encourage others to do the same,
Lord you’re so much high, when the spirit fills, that leads happiness to cry.

You are amazing
You give us hope all of the time,
Your boldness and kindness fills
Thank you Father, I love what you have always instilled.

“Thank you Father, you are loving, inspiring and cheerful.  May many others follow towards you.. xxx”
31st March 2021

A peace of heaven

A time to slow down
Know your limits,
Stop trying to please others
That’s not good for your humility, my sisters and brothers..

Aren’t we meant to support each other?
Show love?
Avoid segregation? 
“Well they started it?”
That would be the question...
Love of God, that’s the righteous confession.

Doesn’t prayer give a kind message?
Doesn’t love force out the hate?
Seriously, there is no place to follow this wrath
God!s hope is where it should start.

Lord I love all my brothers and sisters 
Why has this taken place as I cry,
If heartless people are killing each other and think no less?
I will say these simple words “God loves you”
The simple words from which I protest.

“God loves you, come to him..  the devil has lost this fight.”
31st March 2021

Victorious *Easter Poem

He has won
Defeated death on the third day,
His victory was achieved by overcoming our sins 
Joy to the Father from these words I bring.

His victory defeated the Gentiles
And showed a resurrection to say who he was, 
No matter how many kings they were
His glory showed the strength from the hutch has emerged.

You are never alone when speaking up the Lord;
He wanted to help
Show kindness like no other,
Teaching the spiritual path
Especially when the devil unleashed his timid wrath.

It is over... famous words finally said 
His children are now saved 
From the righteous one 
Who showed us how to become forever brave. 

“Victory achieved and love supersedes any inequities we showed. Happy Easter, the son has finally rosed”
31th March 2021

Tuesday, 30 March 2021

It’s your job to like you....

If you lack empathy
Work on it...
Others with a struggle in their mind
Is a need to  help to lead to hope 
If you are being cruel to be kind 
Then leave that person alone 
Gods place is what they need to find.

Quality of skill
If you think a person is full of themselves
Then clearly you know what makes then thrill.

In a world which lacks patience
But there is hope to capture this trait 
It one day May save somebody 
A goodness that leads to a outcome of fate.

Peace with you inside 
Peace with God to move forward, 
We can all be over powering when someone is low,
Remember it’s not always about you, it’s about ‘us’
Spiritual guidance is a opening where we can all trust .

“If low, look to positive support.. not those who inability to understand your needs”

30th March 2021 

Monday, 29 March 2021

Praying - The ultimate hope 🙏🏽

When I go to Church I sing to my hearts content,
Praying and worshiping to a higher power
Brings hope, joy and fun
Springs now here, how about some sun? 

If you are a pessimist 
Then what do you expect? 
Struggling with yourself, when all you need is faith?
Then allow the spirit in, and detach any wrath.

So the question is why not?
Scared people will judge because you are moving towards the Father?
I tell you what? It’s a better place than arguing with another soul, the initial is what I rather.
I prefer to encourage, especially when toxic words are said 
I pray for you, as the next time we speak the progress of Faith is where I prefer to be led.

Don’t we have enough to struggle with these days?
People judging, turning one against another..,
No one should ever be apart
I end this poem on this note, 
God is always available to pray and pour his love
If I said wrong, a sorry won’t come from my mouth
I’ll just pray for you, one day you’ll understand 
There is hope in the spirit that’s where he would prefer to hold your hand.

Happy Monday
J x 
29th March 2021

Sunday, 28 March 2021

Life of a person with type 1 diabetes

There’s a funny saying 
“I am not a diabetic, I am a person with diabetes”
I am person who loves understanding his own  condition
It’s more than just monitoring blood glucose precision.

Think of a condition where you face a blood sugar low?
You need to take pro-action analytically 
And need to be strong unequivocally.

If like me? you analyse your auto-immune condition to get it right 
This situation isn’t a sniffling cold?
It’s auto-immune related
Meaning? What you do isn’t about avoiding sugar intake,
You need the sugar to generate the energies to align 
You will learn so much about your body, and how to avoid insulin injections to benign.

I love the subject 
Do not like having the condition,
Yet I have learned so much about myself in how the organs work
And any endocrinologist would advise: “you take control if it, not ‘it’ of you...”
I pray in the love of God he regenerates the beta cells to release insulin inside of those in this struggle,
Yet there is faith in hoping and getting out of this diabetes co-fuddle. 

Wrong into right

In a world where debate is a sport
And loving isn’t so much taught,
I agree, don’t be too soft, or you’ll soon flop over
And that you won’t  be able to get yourself up from the sofa.

Get closer to God
Get closer to his strength.. which merges
You are that humble when held close... therefore deserving of freedom, at the most.

Be at peace with niceties 
Challenges will still present 
Avoid anger at all costs
Show the loving Father who is strong
A place of humility and integrity, how could you go at all wrong...???

Determination and strength does not need to be filled with anger, 
I’ve been to that place and it’s a dangerous place to be,
Yet it’s through strength in prayer is where my heart needs to be set free.

Jason x❤️🙏🏽
28th March 2021 

Forgiveness and hope

You can never tell
Any story to tell,
You hear the words 
“That never hurt me when I was a lad?”
Yet the trauma induced actually delivered what was truly sad.

That person now needs to forgive
And who better to go to?..
God’s healing is to overcome 
When you reach that place of hope
The forgiveness is prayerful in the quest from there I elope.

People apprehensive if you have gifts
Thinking it’s weird and not the ‘norm’,
Don’t you know God produces miracles to give you strength?
Removing the bitterness, keeping toxicity at arms length.

There is hope in prayer to lead towards forgiveness 
There are tears from the pain you’ve held inside,
Don’t thank the person what they have done 
Thank the Lord almighty, from the battle his son has won.

“I held hatred for years... I wanted to destroy people, and it didn’t help that I went to the gym and restored fitness levels I never thought were possible .. yet it was the Father restoring my heart to heal and come towards him... thank you Lord 🙏🏽❤️“
28th March 2021

Saturday, 27 March 2021

The gift of poems

I take no credit when God gives me the gift to write poems,
He simply nudges me, saying a single word
Then “boom” the vessel moves and an array of words soon rely
When God tells you to use your gift, then you have the right to write away.
I cannot help it...
Writing is a release to connect with your deepest soul
No more fighting with devil, 
budge that one off your shoulder 
The Angel on right makes you feel that much, much bolder.

The eyes fill up
And God feels your pain,
Don’t blame him for any wrong that’s entered your life, 
His aim is for good and nothing less
Sometimes refusing him gets you into a tangled mess.

Regardless what I say, faith is the reason I release this gift m, 
A gift of positivity and removing others toxicity 
People judging and liking the anger on the earth,
My belief to celebrate the Birth of the King
Comes with goodness, focus and the new birth of hope
The devils defeated, and with these words love shall never slope.

27th March 2021 x 🙏🏽🍺❤️

Friday, 26 March 2021


Believe it
Receive it 
Listen to your prayers 
Stop pontificating, or you’ll just continue to stare.

Isn’t it about self worth
And you want to help others first?
Listen and meditate your time with God
Looking forward and avoiding to remain still
Be comfortable in your peace, from there you shall find a spiritual fill.

Your are worthy
You are humbled through Gods grace,
It isn’t about intelligence, it’s about your time with hope 
Because it’s about moving forward and staying still
God inside of you, you soon feel surreal.

Hold on
You are doing great,
Believe in you, because it’s the ultimate surrounding us all
Bringing hope, mercy and reflective peace
Stop, pray and bring hope to yourself, you deserve that in the very least.

“For a cousin that needs a hug right.. now xx”
26th March 2021

What we live with.... *Type 1 Diabetes Poem

Lows and highs, especially when looking for the in-between 
Life of a type 1 is sheer balance, for what I have seen.

People have said “you’ve got it, now deal with it....”
Easier said than done, when you deal with this enzymatic wrath...?

I am fit and exuberantly flourishing 
With pray thrown into the core,
This insulin resilient building 
Is a daily challenge, and now we are dealing with shielding.

This condition has made me the person I am 
Looking for a cure to restore the pancreas lost,
Keep fighting, keep praying we will show the pancreas enemies who is boss.

From J T1D
26th March 2021

Thursday, 25 March 2021

You are good.

When praying
Pray for patience,
Yes we have our wants and needs
Gods timing is perfect and intercedes.

Love of patience 
Is often never said,
Wanting everything yesterday can cause a harm,
But when you wait more than usual, 
focus on God.... the ultimate chill and charm.

Remember you are loved
You have the capability to inspire,
Show the Father you really care
His warmth inside of you shall always be there.

Pray for each other
Care for each other 
We are on this earth to love, care hold onto hope
That hope is God, the one and only 
You are never alone as patience is the essence to take your time a little slowly.

Wednesday, 24 March 2021

Love has no colour

Love who you love
Skin tone of all needs to be embraced,
Falling in love with a beautiful person
Isn’t a crime, or diluting a race.

Love of one 
Love of all,
Love the soul whom God brings you together 
Black, white, Asian and Hispanic..the creation from God which is together.

Beauty comes in all forms 
Compatibility isn’t aligned to a race,
Gods loves his children, just accept his timing and place.

I understand hope
And my hope is to be with a wife whose culture I have learnt
From where their is God, there is a waiting of two souls to return.

Tuesday, 23 March 2021

Wishing you a great journey

An honour to work for you;
You will do great in your next health quest,
Even though we have met virtually 
I feel your passion for health, and zest.

Fighting to make a positive change 
Fighting with humility connected through a leadership fore
The aim to support health needs, are refreshing to the core.

 Bless you
You will learn to make positive change
Prayers heading in your direction
We know health economy faces challenges in the aim for patient perfection.

At the end of the day
The words “thank you” come from my heart and through the mouth
Focusing on doing right when challenges cause a mist,
Clarity in vision from this journey that’s never ending 
You are on a great journey, remember that, forever transcending 

 Bless you Vicky ❤️🙏🏽

Monday, 22 March 2021

Welcome home brother. Coming home

Hey, have a blessed life
you are good soul,
Look to God
He has your back 
The eyes that sees your soul shan’t ever lack.

Bless you my brother 
You are ferociously kind,
Yes m, none of us are perfect 
But through prayer you shall find.

I love to care
And I do for you, 
You have friendship in your brothers here
The careers you find next won’t delve and any fear.

Be kind to you 
We all deserve that in life,
Peace and gregarious decisions are no different from each other,
They both have risks attached and can make you question, 
Yet the tables will work in your favour in strong confession.

“Nick you are a diamond. Bless you brother 🙏🏽❤️ J”

Worry?.. Please pray to God ❤️🙏🏽

When feeling sad and do not know what to do?
Struggling for a positive outcome and can’t see any clue?
Not finding the result you where you want to ensue,

Simply pray, it won’t hurt.. actually it will lift
Holding people together through the tribulations and their rift..

So sorry bad things have happened to you,
People leaving you there dangling, making the situation far worse
Yet through prayer in the Father, he would defeat others curse.

We all need security and protection 
There’s hope praying to the Father who loves you so much
Toxic vibes, refuting the devils touch.

You are strong and you are here
You have nothing in this world to fear,
Just fear the Lord, in a sense it is right,
He has your best interests and will overcome all of your fights.

Sunday, 21 March 2021

When I pray to God

When praying to God
I pray for peace
I pray for hope
Tied in a beautiful red bow,
I pray for love from where i like it to go.

I pray for others to get along
I pray for the word ‘no’ to be said in the right way
I pray for the lifting of souls, to elevate goodness and others happiness to stay,

I pray for hurt to be removed 
I pray for light to ease the pain and for you to be soothed,
I pray for balance and pray for good,
That’s the humility I crave, 
and from there I could be brave.

I pray for quiet to be managed in a good way
I pray for harmony in the hope that I shall lay,
I pray for the vigor of light to stay and teach,
And all comes to the Father, from the goodness he preach.

The gaze from others

People with a gripe
People who simple don’t get you,
Yet it’s their judgement because of their lack of within
Is deflected by God as he ushers your new kin.

I personally dislike it...
It’s fraught...
And has no place,
I refute the Devil’s attack 
You shan’t lose the Father who has your spiritual back.

I am praying for those who dislike me
Broken and released to God’s humble mercy,
Treat others like you be treated yourself 
Believe in higher power, yes... your spiritual health.

Refute the attack
Others looking at you in raw judgement that attempts to taught
It’s their inability to understand your ability 
Which this been brought.

Pray to the Father
Each moment of the day, he won’t say no
Glory to his belief in you, that’s where I want to go.

“There’s a person in my life who conceived me and does not understand me. It pains, yet God brings hope to my heart. Thank you Lord ❤️🙏🏽“  
21st March 2021

Diabetes story.. love from a type 1 ❤️🙏🏽

People dont care what they put in their mouths 
No criticism intended 
A simple fact in what it is
For us type 1 diabetics, we shall fall into the abyss.

I wonder why I got a condition that’s so analytic?
Generally I am that way; yet it’s my faith in God which has removed anything satirical..

I have belief in me,
I believe God has my back,
Learning to manage an underlying condition
Especially during times of pace
I have faith in the Father, in where my Diabetes is in a better place. 

I manage through exercise 
And extreme faith in God,
The calmness of his love and strength
Shall remove this condition once and for all 
Diabetes will be cured one day, God shall cure this condition in my glory to call.

Saturday, 20 March 2021

Live like your last

Staying positive in your greatness towards Faith
I love you, more than you ever know
I shall run faster and forever show..

Show exactly, you might ask?
Questions never to be masked,
There is joy in Faith, enriched like no other task.

Politics removed
Austerity dangerous to the core,
Dividing people through game playing....
Refute the devil, that’s what I am saying,

I have found love 
Because I believe,
If you pray with the sheer human touch 
God’s love for us arrives through hope, love and so so to what you’ll receive.

The thing with peace

The thing with peace 
You need it to retain harmony,
Having Faith with our God brings that to you
Yes, there are fights in the spiritual welfare we ensue.

Peace is great 
Peace is reminding us of past and future joys,
Never lose sight of God 
He is always there, his timing is the final nod.

Peace is hard to find when chaos is everyone’s friend 
Bracing the path 
His spiritual wake
There is humility through God
Others have no other stake.

The peace is what we look for;
Especially inside when you let the Father in, 
Encapsulating the positive news of the ‘Word’
Is like looking outside in, from what we preach
As long you focus on the Father, the Good news is what we look to teach. 

“Peace with writing and being harmonious”
20th March 2021


Thursday, 18 March 2021

Our love story

I wrote a poem 
Which came from God
I can only thank him
As the words filled my heart
A miracle happened, a brand new start.

I like what I saw
I then heard a voice note which was moving,
This beautiful woman chose my heart 
Learning to move forward, I then heard your velvet voice, forever soothing.

Your calmness 
Your God fearing belief,
I am honoured I am yours
God has brought us relief.

When hope arrives 
I know it’s when I think of you,
Lord, sweet Lord Jesus
You brought me my Divine, a beautiful spirit, I now feel fine.

“Love you Divine”
18th March 2021

Ask God first

Ask the Father 
He is the first and the last,
He has your best interests in heart
From there, do not part.

We all come from a beginning 
And we shall all reach the end, 
Yet when the Kingdom reaches
Your passage with the Father continues with humble teaches.

I have never lost you
You have never lost me,
Those words of encouragement provide us all hope
The Father in heaven will never elope.

Go on! Have a chat with the King
He won’t turn you away,
Peace on earth and kindness to each other
Negative individuals do not need to enter your mind
You need the Father, and through him you shall find.

Why do I write?

I write for love
I write for God,
He has given me this gift
Yes, to give others a life.

I love the words that flow from the mind,
Nothing derivative, simply kind.
I have my inspirations 
I have my loves 
Most importantly the glory goes to God, that I shan’t shove.

God is my guide
He provides me direction to praise your worthy cause,
The hope from the Father never needs a pause.

I have my love Divine
My angle, my lover I can’t wait to be with
Praying together to the Father 
Is the place I want to live.

Loves his Divine xxx ❤️🙏🏽❤️🙏🏽
18th March 2021

Wednesday, 17 March 2021

The story of rejoicing

Children of God
Kindness of women and men,
You shall never be defeated
Spurring forward, forever and when.

Losing focus?
Never do that...
There is strength within 
Holy Spirit we find
The essence of positivity 
Is the start for what we can seek in kind.

Being together 
A hug, a moment of hope we desperate seek
Their no defeat in God, that’s where we should meet.

It’s not about getting together with a person or a group merge...
It’s rejoicing as one for all to embrace the King
Never look back, that’s what rejoicing will bring... 🙏🏽❤️

Tuesday, 16 March 2021

You are so worth it

This goes out to all
You have never destined to call,
Forget your pride
That leads to woes
I am humble in spirit , wipe out the blows.

You belong to God
That is where it’s at, 
I belong to the Father
And the place he preferred that I rather. 

There is hope in you
His never created you for anything else,
Let’s pray and arrive 
His calling is more than just to survive.

You are so perfect
If you disagree; there’s a higher power who shows
Blessed you in humility and his awesome grace
A time to reflect, diminish the haste. 

16th March 2021


Diabetes prayer ❤️😘

I woke up one day 
Realised I had this thing,
This condition called diabetes 
Injecting and release from a syringe.

This was the making of me
I have learnt so much,
Methodical and taking your time
Balance of a condition is something you refine.

It’s a condition like no other
It’s not a defeated object, just a challenge, 
Calculating, learning and balancing traits 
An under lying condition and a mental harmony of state.

Exercise, writing, thinking and learning about life
An added condition, which connects you closer to God
Humility, divinity, hope and glory
I may have this cursed condition, yet at least I am telling this story.

Jason ❤️🙏🏽 Peace and love
16th March 2021


A prayer coming your way

The Father spoke to me a moment ago
Saying, write these words to encourage all
“My purpose is to encourage, rather than fall,”

Speak with wisdom
And calm truth,
If others say they you are unworthy
Say to them we are loved by me 
As I want the whole world  to feel that and see...

You are brilliant 
And you are gifted,
You represent me 
Therefore, forever lifted...

I am your first port of call 
I’ll bring angels down to bring you hope,
A dark place, where I shall take you away
Stay with me child, with my guidance you shan’t sway.


“There is hope in praying.. the best thing to start the day.”  
16th March 2021

Sunday, 14 March 2021

Greatest battle within you

Regardless what others say
You will be okay,
The fight is yours, not theirs 
You will seek the right support 
Negativity will not flare.

You are great
You are kind,
Tell you something a righteous person will say
Actually not, it’s not their perception to stay.

Once you are comfortable in you
It will come from the greatest battle faced,
You are a True child of God, from there you shall reach your place.

Initially you start this journey with ultimate hope and dreams,
Knock downs will arrive but you will survive
The goodness in you, regardless what others mention,
You are a perfect in the eyes of the Lord
From that, at least, there you are adored.

“Believe in you, the Father does... xx simple message x”
14th March 2021

Looking over you ❤️🙏🏽

Bless you child,  I am looking over you
You are my children after all
From moments we laughed and sometimes felt blue.

Mostly laughed or working to help you through
A mother’s role is between myself and you.

I love you as I continue to see
I am may not be there physically 
Yet one day in the Kingdom we shall be.

Love you child
You know that never changes?
This is a calling from the Father to see you right
This time with you in a poem, gives me tremendous insight,

“Divine and Hadessa, a message from your Mother”
14th March 2021

Saturday, 13 March 2021

Comforting with God

Think of God 
He is a Father who looks and protects, 
He loves his children... yes you?
Praise to the heavens, there you need no other clue.

He puts a blanket over you
His love keeps us strong with words in the ear
His presence inside of you, deflects any fear.

Love, hope and keeping it real 
If in doubt I would say you should pray,
Love for the Father shall encourage you to stay.

He loves you,
Why refuse the greatest gift?
His spirit comforts you 
From there the presence inside of you shall shift.


The reason

Judgement refused
Despite what you think,
A Child of God
A moment of spirit, especially when you blink.

Precious time when our time together teaches
Praying to Gods powerful words; forever releases. 

I will not judge 
If someone is struggling more than I?
Believing in God is where I open my heart, and cry.

You are loved
And we all question God,
Yet it’s our belief in the Father
Is a place I rather be, 
What else could be better when the holy spirit is working inside of you and me? 

“I love my love ... Good morning Divine xx”
13th March 2021

Friday, 12 March 2021

Gods timing

The passage we enter 
The art of pure surrender,
God provides you hope
Not at your request? 
Humility through the Father’s test.

God is action
And action comes from God,
He makes the righteous..righteous, 
A lead towards his merciful gift
Their for you, through an eternal lift.

Never lose sight of his love
He won’t ever lose focus of your existence
He is building you for humble resistance.

His timing is our gain
Never look at that time to refrain,
Seasons of challenge soon shall pass
Prayers for hope, continue to last.

“He is there in mercy and forgiveness. We don’t deserve what he provides, it’s through his grace we were broken and NOW are alive.” 

12th March 1973 x 

Fruits of labour ❤️

You live life with hope;
You put in the hard work and sometimes reap the rewards,
The hardest battle is when you aim towards..

Yet falling is part of the realm
How do we learn if failure isn’t there,
Do you become pensive 
From the dreams to look to bare?

God is your cornerstone 
He is your shining light that holds your hand, 
Protecting you in times of woe and frets
Be still with The Father who shall capture in what you shall beset.

There is happiness in loving a higher power
That anger, yes that thing you release at the gym!!
As long as you confess he is Lord and our saviour 
Which comes from the fruits of your labour...🙏🏽❤️

Thursday, 11 March 2021

A Mothers role (Mother’s Day poem) ❤️

A job no one relishes 
Yet a true mother embellishes,
Some calm
Some quite fierce and loyal 
The jobs they do can take there toil?

Changing nappies
Listening to their children when they are down,
That’s what you call a good mother...
Picking up the pieces, and their for you when you start to frown.

God bless your hard work
When you provide a warmth to a child’s heart,
The job never easy 
Yet loving wholeheartedly from the start.

Bless all great Mum’s’
Who loved with all their heart and mind
Thank you great Mum’s 
Your work is never ending
And gives us hope to find.

Wednesday, 10 March 2021

Time with God

When I am low, he is their
When I am happy I want his mercy to repair.

When I cry I know it’s tears to release a smile
When I am joyful, it’s the Father that makes that feeling last quite a while.

When I show love 
It’s a sign the Father encourages 
Like a warm hope inside, which fills you, and nourishes.

When I say I love 
I say those words because it’s true,
I am created by the Father in heaven, as you have been too
Take that “timeout” with God, he has the best in-store for you.


Not knowing

I suppose God is Love 
And Love is Action,
None of life comes with elements of a fraction.

Please find God
God loves you so,
When their are attacks 
He is always their to have your back.

Hope comes with praying 
Praying is part of eternal hope,
A fundamental part of staying calm and still
The hope of Goodness is founded through his kingdom.... until...

One day at a time 
Yet He is there at the end of each day,
As long as we look to his love, kindness and mercy
The hands held wide, taking that blessing in
His Son won the battle for our inequities and sin.


Tuesday, 9 March 2021

Thank you

Thank you for your care
And Thank you for your concerned worry,
Thank you for your calmness 
Thank you for embellishing Gods word to confess.

Raise a smile to the Lord
Protection will always be there,
Glory to the King for giving you such gifts
That inspiration is a glorious lift.

Thank you for hope 
Perfection lays in God hands,
Looking towards moving to a new day
The heavens shall open every time we pray.

Glory to God
And credit to following his path,
Keep going as you are
His story inside you is never too far.

“Love to Divine”
9th March 2021
1:33pm 🙏🏽❤️

Sunday, 7 March 2021

Everything to live for 🙏🏽❤️

Defeat is not always failure
You pursue your dreams and goals,
You look to Faith and there you shall glow.

You have everything to live for
People will judge and can hit the nail when you are down,
Faith comes from an Angel moving 
Your skills endeavoured the art which you are soothing.

Soothing to make it right
Skills to enjoy when you bring out your best, 
Facing an opponent to enhance this coordinated skill 
You have everything to fight for, from this you shall thrill.

Make it happen
I’ll support you the best I can, 
Yet it’s Faith that I have inside which releases these words
The power to keep moving forward are constantly which I have heard.

“Gary, God is with you.. and there is everything to fight for❤️❤️❤️  #justsaying.

A day to share *birthday poem to me 🤣

12th March.1973
Born in St Thomas hospital,
A poetic genius 
Well.... that is what others say
Heaven  now open to the Father
That’s where I want to continue to stay.

Spiritual guidance is what I crave 
Loving my brothers and sisters where encouragement is instilled,
Look to these words 
Gods heart inside of me emptied and then refilled.

I pray for hope
And I pray for love,
Often ostracised because of my Faith,
Yet I know the Father loves me
That’s the direction I pledge and state.

My tears are filled with hope when I pray
People love me
Others perhaps not sure 🤣
Yet gregarious and flowing for what I am,
I say this to those I want to celebrate these words with kindness and hope
Here today and perhaps not the next
Love the spirit of the Father, the devil’s spirit is not strong enough to defeat this Christian martyr. 

“Happy birthday to me... xxxx J❤️🙏🏽❤️ x“ 

Saturday, 6 March 2021

He’s their ❤️🙏🏽

Why deny yourself?
Love is action
And action comes from God
His hope, mercy and beautiful words 
Are challenging and far from being absurd.

Don’t look towards anger
That place is the devil’s spawn,
You will be tried severely
So much, yet you are loved by the Lord, dearly.

I once hated my life 
Now I want to serve the Father so so much,
Yes there are trials and tribulations to face 
Prayers, humility at every time and situated place.

He’s hand never removes 
He is always right, regardless what others say
The timing of God is sublime
Even if you don’t understand at that moment in time.

His timing is perfect 
He’s son died for our sins,
Capture The hope he has for you, yes you?
His solution is personified which comes from his glaring clue.

Wishing for Forgiveness

Forgiveness such a simple word
Should be easy to act from others hurts
Yearning to believe you will be okay
Yet it’s a knot that’s inside and constantly stray.

I would say: “Leave me alone?”
You don’t understand the place I am at?
You say “you didn’t ask to be put here, but I am ok”
Dismissing the feelings you have inside, especially when you start to fray.

Then God appears 
He lifts your mood and provides you with gifts to relate,
Getting closer to the Father is a humble sign of fate.

I overheard “I don’t understand him“
That felt like a punch to the stomach, and more,
I have the Father’s protection and love 
Forgive yourself even if you’ve done nothing to cause
Praying to the almighty, shall release that debating pause.

Friday, 5 March 2021

When I thought

I cried for Angels 
When feeling down
I felt hopeless as I waited to drown.

From a culture known to be family orientated and togethered
Struggling with life’s problem, turmoil and strain 
I desperately needed my life to regain.

You were that miracle
You were my breath to the passage to restore
You allowed me to feel gregarious and ‘out there’ again
Prayers were answered as you were the Angels who the Father transcends. 

Thank you for your gifts 
Thank you for your love
Thank you for giving me what I desperately needed
Thank you for the Angels that interceded.

May you rejoice in Gods love
May you relish the goodness you have done,
Remember those challenging times you may often face  
And this persons life you warmed to embrace. 

“Nikki and Matthew, proof Angels exist”
4th March 2021

Good days and bad 🙏🏽❤️

We encounter a journey 
All varied on this challenged earth,
People that care
Some lack that trait
Humility dying, that’s not my kind of fate.

Peace is what we are looking for
Yet it’s Gods work that remains undone,
The death on the cross 
The King died for our sins
Yet the victory belongs to God in a precedented win.

Days will be challenging 
Days will become great
Days of somber defeat
Yet it’s the merciful Father we want to meet.

Your bad day will turn the corner
Believe, it’s the only way  to get out of that feud
There are Angels protecting you, from there you shall imbue.

Wednesday, 3 March 2021

I promise

The Kings sends his word
And yet I am a messenger from God
A lover from which has The Fathers’ approving nod.

I pray for us
I pray for kisses
I pray for enjoyment 
And that we have no more misses.

I pray for your hope
And pray for your faith
I pray for the humility 
And clear serenity.

I pray for my hand to touch yours 
I pray we stay close to each other 
I pray for us Divine... my love
My world , my glory my beautiful heavenly dove.

“Love my Divine x “
3rd March 2021

Tuesday, 2 March 2021

My Protector

My heart is racy and held
My story with you, we shall both tell.

Eyes weep....
Weep with happiness 
Hope brought from The Lord
His love for us is real
Your amazement made from artistic steel.

Move forward 
This won’t be the same forever
God brought us together
We shall overcome any stormy weather.

Stay with love 
Love of action from the Lord
You are protected as one 
Through the riding and enlightening son xxx

To my love Divine xxx  

Angels protects

Joy of your peace 
Elation of Gods calling
None of us are perfect 
It’s through his eyes we refuse to stop stalling.

The Devil attacks...
The Father protects....
The theories surround speculation 
Yet He has the final say from others interrogation.

Believe it or not
There is an Angel who looks to you when in doubt
Refuse the anger and hatred inside 
Love from the Father, that’s where I want to confide.

Peace on earth 
God example to all mankind,
Yet it’s the Devils futile aim
Gods has this battle won, please let him in to wipe the Devils stain..

“An Angel looking at you all the time. Believe in the Father”
Jason 2nd March 2021

Monday, 1 March 2021

Ultimate hope

He never fails 
He works into your heart,
May the heavens open 
He never shall depart.

Look at the Father
He is the champion who conquers sin,
A glorious foundation 
Our ultimate and vested win.

Never lose your sight of him
He is there every split second of the day,
Our passion runs through
As his son cheated death through the gentiles aim to rule.

Never lose him 
Your fight is his fight, in total silence,
His warmth, love and kindness wins 
And best of all his gifts to you he frequently brings. 

Never lose who you are

Focus on the positives Others will try their best to rile, They will smirk with a passive grin To their surprise they are falling into the D...