Saturday, 17 July 2021

Writing…. Release

Talking is always healthy
But writing releases the mind,
No sounds around you, just the spirit talking 
You are on this journey, continually walking.

A journey starts with a single step 
A passage from God sets your way,
These words are flowing, humbleness is at bay.

Quick thinking or methodical rhyming?
It’s all been about the Father’s timing.

It not about getting drunk 
And losing your way, 
Let the Father be your cornerstone and give you peace,
Others challenges are not in your lease…

Remember there will always be challenges 
Peace, is only there when you reach heaven, 
Praying for others provides us hope 
Here is my virtual hug, a hug of beauty and joy
These words I send to you, where I deploy..

17th July 2021”

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