Saturday, 31 July 2021

Pastures…. Ensue

Bless you for this forthcoming challenge 
Bless you for your aims,
Bless you for your endurance 
Bless you for your perseverance.

You shall do well
And thank you for your support,
Thank you for your temperament 
A calmness you have humanly taught.

An excellent example
Unruffled and assured,
Dedication to getting the job done 
Looking after people isn’t easy 
Yet you faced the trials with an open mind
A brilliant new journey to relish, in what you shall find.

Analytical and focused to the extreme
Thank you for being you, nothing more or less
Bless you Shenel, your politeness and professionalism is exemplary 
And thank you too for your support and keeping it real
A new chapter awaits and pray the experience fulfils. 

“Bless you Shenel to you and your family
31st July 2021”


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