Sunday, 4 July 2021

Finding the Faith

When all is said and done
Blaming God isn’t at all fun,
You are going down that realm of dislike
I rather hold onto Faith, that’s my like.

Blame, angry and hurt
We have all sampled this
Some more than most
I am sorry that’s happened to you
I am not here to celebrate a toast.

I can only pray for you 
And yes, that elevates my believing 
I am no longer following that thing called flesh, yes that’s deceiving.

I have always believed in you
Now it’s your turn to receive me,
It’s like that classic saying “those who are blind are no less to see”….

“Faith is hope, and that thing called hate needs to elope”πŸ™πŸ½    

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Higher power

Believe it or not The higher power truly does exist, Especially when you can’t comprehend, the heart of God doesn’t dismiss. Say your prayer...