Friday, 16 July 2021

A day at a time

Controlling the future is the same as controlling the past
You may have your wits about you 
Yet the challenge could forever increase and difficultly last.

One day at a time 
Yes, preparing is key
One step forward and sometimes two steps back
Pray a little, the Father shall never let you slack.

It’s all in his timing 
A time which you can never enforce, 
Controlling people often try
Stand back, chill….the haste of others tends to dry.

Insisting demands
God wants the best for you, he always does
Looking at us, especially when speed hits us hard 
No emergency anxious feeling causes more harm than good,
It’s a step at a time, as hope in the Father I prefer…. And should.

“Today the sun is shining and love is all around. “
16th July 2021

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