Saturday, 10 July 2021

When I think of Yiayia (Nan in Greek)

When low I think of the special person who was truly there
My Yiayia had a big heart and showed that she cared,
She gave me warmth
She gave me spirit
Despite not speaking the same language, I knew she was with it.

She believed in me
She believed in us
She was a Angel of God
Taken to the heavens to receive the light
The humbleness which came with sight.

I loved her so 
I loved her truly,
She was the person who provided me hope
When others in the family was dangling on a fractured rope.

I have tears in my eyes when I know she isn’t here
I know she was taken by the Father, but will meet one day,
I know she loved the Father as my heart with her shall stay.

“Miss you Yiayia” 
10th July 2021

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