Thursday, 8 July 2021

Parent child

A theory not many would understand 
If you are a parent,
Then nuture the child you humbly love 
Controlling too much can cause problems which maybe later seen 
The power of humanity should never be foreseen.  

God’s will give you that chance 
See that child and love with open arms,
Show protection and avoid the teenage angst that harms.

There are good parents and unfortunately some that struggle 
ashame to say it say it, when the selfishness of the world can cause them to be in a muddle. 
All out for themselves, and you teach your child this way?
The works will be much better when you show them what the Father says. 

There is never a limit 
Love shows your child you are there,
Otherwise, remove you from harms way and perhaps you show them the kindness we need to stay. 

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