Saturday, 17 July 2021

No shame

It’s your that you live
And consequences shall always follow,
There are minor victories to taste 
And hollow ones that come with haste.

Love is kindness
Love is power
Love is humility 
And ‘Love’endeavours the hope of your serenity.

Haven’t we all fallen
“Amidst the noise and haste”?
Trauma when others embrace chaos 
Where there is God there is a defender 
A beckon of hope, from there you surrender.

It’s not like a surrendering where you simply “give in”,
Your pride has taken a leap of Faith, a door which opens wide
However, the passage flows, the glory to him, shall never subside.

“Bless you… allπŸ™πŸ½❤️“
17th July 2021

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