Tuesday, 27 July 2021


Generations come 
And generations go,
some you learn from more than others, 
Others bring out your best
It depends on their patience caused by a mess
Especially during these challenging times which is no longer less.

Encourage each generation
Past and present,
We all need to learn and grow a positive spine
Learning to move forward and the brace to refine.

Be humble with God 
Stay humble in his light,
Encourage the children for the many challenges await
Mending the past perhaps caused by fate.

I remember swingball, marbles and a game on the Atari machine,
At present it’s all done on the phone to turn the world to rights,
I recall the past, the joys we faced and loved each passing day, 
embracing the future, comes from a time what May.

27th July 2021”

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