Tuesday, 1 November 2022

This road we walk

God… why?
I have a controlling boss who always picks
And they think my personality is like a self assured kick.

In the past you have brought me out from the trenches that I thought I would fall,
And with your mercy you removed any previous wall.

Yet again I am in this situation I pray for you to remove,
I am still smiling, praying and finding my way,
You know what’s in store for all to be okay.. 
I suppose that reassures this temporary moment which I pray goes away.

Sorry if I failed you Lord, I know I have sinned
And your mercy upon me, endured my temporary wins.

I hate this situation lord
I pray you give me the nouse;
And the strength you provide is ten times stronger than a house.

“Controlling people leave me and others alone… your behaviour isn’t healthy”
1st November 2022

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