Sunday, 20 November 2022

Morning God

Good morning God
I start by praying for my brothers and sisters,
And learning about ourselves when others think they know you better
The fact is you know us more, through these words which come from this letter.

We are children of God, remember that first a foremost 
We can cry for help when down
We can look to you when we feel we are about to drown.

Yet we keep trying because you are in each of our hearts 
And if you question your belief then I’ll pray for you,
Meaning there’s a prayer with your name on it, waiting for you to ensue.

Good morning Father we know you have our back
Sometimes it does feel like it,
Yet we are facing no other flack.

Bless you all on this day 
Prayers are beautiful and have a humble say,
Stay blessed and highly favoured from the Father most high
And that you Lord wipe away our tears as we now need not sigh.

21st November 2022

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