Wednesday, 9 November 2022

Pacy Conversation

We listen 
And let others speak,
These days people are talking over each other
Is this what we seek?

A million miles per hour
As I get people that need to talk?
Listening attentively is a sadly a skill removed
Interruption are rude and shouldn’t be used.

Don’t get me wrong
I love these people that do this,
It’s not their fault, that have simply been overwhelmed 
As we look to the calm before the  storm, where this is sporadic and not the norm.

I profess to not being perfect 
I profess the kindness to treat at you find
But I also profess I am too not perfect 
As I seek to pray for all to be calm 
In my speech with no rush like a relaxed palm.

9th November 2022

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