Monday, 21 November 2022

Finally arrived

It's a boring admin, task? needed to purchase a chair,
went through the red tape process
and the nuisance did not stop there!!!!

I should have gone on amazon or better still ebay, they may have delivered it quick?
but this system is so annoying, making a job up, by producing a tick.
so the chair finally arrived.

We reached our goal in the end,
but the next time I make a ask for such things,
I will pray to God first, I am sure he would have delivered this item quicker, via MS teams

Thank you for letting me know this has arrived
until the next piece of drama that the NHS seem to thrive?
have a blessed week, now it's now arrived.
soon it will be Friday... at least we can say (once again) we have survived.

"Happy Monday
from your resident poet"

21st November 2022

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