Friday, 4 November 2022

Living with this day to day (diabetes poem)

Up, down and around and around  
This is the life of someone with diabetic challenges,
Constantly monitoring and avoiding any damages.

It’s not like a cold, it’s an auto immune attack
And there are the mood swings which you shouldn’t accept when they are back.

And you need to be around light minded people
People who you don’t have anything against,
You are the doctor of this situation, and you can’t stay on the fence..,

You need to be strong, decisive and focused 
The body facing auto immunity uncertainty 
As well as frequent uncertain disparity.

Pray to God first
Believe in him it shall go away,
As long as you believe, then one day the blood sugars shall be stable…. and okay.

“Living with type 1 diabetes”
4th November 2022   

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