Monday, 7 November 2022

Balancing London life

The chaos people thrive on
It makes them feel alive, or strong?,
Me?? I am sometimes chilled laid back
I look at you losing it, and holding off a smack.

I am trying to look forward
That comes from remaining calm,
The antics of chaos can often cause an alarm.  

Stress is a good hormone
Stay focused and don’t let it slip,
I pray for you each day
That’s where humbleness never dips or strays.

Laid back and be at peace
Keep the engine running
And remember sometimes you need to relax and let go of what’s released.

Stay humble 
Stay mellow and chilled,
Love thy self, that is the goodness of God’s laid back child
During times of trepidation, he’s protection prevents anything wild.

7th November 2022

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