Monday, 25 July 2022

A release

We all need vices,
It’s the one we pick for God, is the correct one to depend,
Follow him, you shall receive a balance leading towards perfection
His humbleness shall deliver a focused correction.

I exercise and train, like a warrior released
It’s through the Father I feel strong
As weakness is now tamed, as strength is ceased.

Stay strong
Move forward,
If evil releases it cry,
It’s a sign of desperation
God shall deal with that horrid sigh.

A prayer, a workout a painful release
One thing is guaranteed in life…except one thing?
God is the defender of the weak,
He will fill them up with courage and guile
Be mindful when attacking one of the King’s children
The Devil will be withheld, for quite a while.

25th July 2022

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