Sunday, 10 July 2022

Well being

Others say they care
Which is often rare,
Saying they know who you truly are
Well I am assured in myself, I’ve come that far…

You see, years ago I tried to take my own life
Dramatic I know;  often I didn’t want to be here,
Then God stepped in, I now have nothing to fear.

People in health tried to destroy my confidence 
They tried to lose me in a fight, where I often felt on my own,
Then the Father stepped in, yes, that’s right? the three in one
Angels appears from nowhere, he faced the devil and said “do you want some?”

I am here to tell the tale
And to continue the fight,
Can I do this on my own? Not a chance..
Like the Ali shuffle, I am here to continue this blessth dance.

“You are not alone, just pray to him”
10th July 2022

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