Sunday, 31 July 2022

Our Travels with God๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ

Bless these three Lord
They are humbled by your love,
Blessed by your mercy and grace as they venture to another spiritual place.

Keep on praying 
Especially when patients can be a drown,
But your desire to do good, shall refute the devil to cause you to frown .

Your love to him is powerful 
Elevation to move toward has opened this door, 
It’s evident there are times retribution, but the good news comes from the Father’s conclusion.

Remain hopeful with prayer
It’s the only way to follow the Father when we all reach there. 
So carp dieme and seize the day
The heavens are shining on you three angels, I now end the words that I say.

“To Julia, Harry and Eleanor
Wishing you all the blessings to your move to Leicestershire .”
31st July 2022 

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