Thursday, 28 July 2022

Just remember

Everything is through God’s perfect timing 
His love for you surpasses any financial gain,
Thank you for saving my life all those years ago, from there I shan’t refrain.

You are his delight, remember that 
If you see a path you don’t want to go down,
He is the lovely father, he’ll refuse you to drown.

Your presence at that time was second to none
Your guile and persistence gave the Lord victory,
Where the Devil’s was facing inevitable history.

Thank you
And I’ll keep saying those words which are close,
The victory in the Lord is where is happens most.

Just remember you are more than great 
You are delightful,
Your warmth is forever so insightful,
So as I end these words on a positive note
One thing I shall vouch, you love for people is never seen as remote..

“Thank you Julia for saving my life all those years ago xxx”
28th July 2022

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