Saturday, 31 December 2016

Scattered seeds

Happy new year one and all

Goodbye 2016 as a new chapter finally calls.

So be kind to your wants 

And become kind to your needs,

The world is always evolving, like many scattered seeds.

Enjoy your successes

And embrace the failures embarked,

We all have talents to display

Happy new year, and bless this moment in time,

Love and prosperity which comes with this rhyme.



J Andrews


Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Permission to live my life

Who needs permission to live their life?
Do I want guidance 
I rather take the consequence. 
So what! if it's strife!

Proving a point 
Where does that lead?
My distance is my redeemer 
I rather sit in a corner and bleed.

"Call yourself a Christian?"
"How do you know? you are not"
I am me, and you are clearly you
If you treat me with calm then I may move on with one of your clues

My life is my own
I do not want your advice, if fiery
I rather be left alone with a cup of tea,
Now for my peace of mind... leave me be.

I have friends and my coping release
No angry words need to be exchanged 
Isn't that what we all deserve, rather hitting unnecessary nerves x 

Re: Housing in London

Monday, 26 December 2016


Voice of an angel
Jesus to a child
His loss grates sadness
None of this sounds mild.

His velvet voice 
Endeared such a quality sound
His beautiful nature 
We wanted to enter with sheer bound.

His careless whisper 
His bounce about faith 
Gave us all hope to rejoice
George.. we shall never forget that voice.

So young and gifted
His legacy shall live forever more.
George you gave us an 'outside' to hold
Your music are with the angels... forever told

RIP  - 25.12.2016 x

Sunday, 25 December 2016

Staying strong and surreal

I love to love
I love to hold
I love to embrace 
I love to even be told.

Depends on the soul even if I love that person 
I will express passion from the heart,
I never what to rule an opportunity 
From the beginning or to the end, 
Respect is the factor, that's the message I send.

I may speak in haste but I stand up to those who ingrate. I would even take a bullet for those I dislike
My humility (like yours) is my fate x

Saturday, 24 December 2016

Festive Joys

A time to reflect
A time to hold true
The business end of the year has arrived
Guess what? We have survived...

The skies will reveal light
The heart shall pump you with love
The anger will banish 
The eye shall no longer shed a flurry of tears
We no longer need to live in mortal fear.

Those who care may have their wants but that's all they are.
Live your life for you
As festivities need to be attained
Love only love shall be captured,  and never refrained xxx

Merry Christmas with heart felt love.
J xx

Throw in the kitchen sink x

Throw at me the kitchen sink!
Throw at me your choice!
Of course at first I am alarmed
Yet with resilliance I can lean towards being charmed. 

Why get anxious?
Why get agressed?
I speak passionately 
No more but definitely not less.

Leave me at peace
Leave me to go forth
I wish you well
As I rather go forth from this story I tell.

I do love and, can be called names
I am now deserving and don't feel guilt 
Despite the pain served.
I feel protected despite my shame
Let's go forth as the past remains a foreign stain.

"After an argument..."

Thursday, 22 December 2016

Hold it all x x

Balance your mind
Balance your heart 
Festive time has now appeared 
Drink, be merry as we start to cheer.

Some aim for peace
Others chase the chaos,
Sometimes it's good to hold both and learn the path
Love and prosperity subdues the wrath.

A day to rest
And work through the zest
Reflect and stay humble
My encouragement is to move forward despite many a stumble.

Be at peace and live with hope
Never enter onto a slippery slope,
Challenges shall present 
And we have to rise
Love for one and all, there be no other surprise.

Amen x 
21:35 hours 

My heart beats

With love comes hate
Yet hate is beaten by love, yet with love there's light, 
which turns into day,
Enlighten my openness I know shall never fray.

I open my eyes and my love remains strong
I know where I stand,
As this is where I belong.

My energy rises
And my passion flows. 
Love is simple love
And with free will it shall never go.

I brace my time in a flow
And my heart pumps a beat.
Glory to all around
As this journey shall attempt for us to be on humble ground.

Monday, 19 December 2016

Bullies and cowards

I suppose we need to stand up to them
They want to control
Yet with someone like me 
I fight and workout everyday,
Fancy your chances??? I thought you keep at bay...

Go on bring it on?
I may fall flat on my face
But I shan't give in,
That's worse than committing immortal sin..

You see I am strong, sensitive and kind
I may need to use the initial act if you keep it up,
Now I will face you, 
Do you think I'll be acting corrupt?

Kill with kindness 
That means you have to be a bitch..
Loving the subtly with the act of little words 
I rather face the bullies and cowards
They have a story to tell
Yet with immortality and strength
I am prepared to put these types in place
In limitatious length..,

Sunday, 18 December 2016

Light into day x x

Light into dark
Or light into day
I am tired and humble 
Yet challenges shall always arrive our way.

Where do I find these words?
From the spirit in the sky
Just conjured up through inspiration 
A literacy of utter dedication. 

I keep myself to myself
As this legacy of words will always be there.
Why do I write such literacy
Simple, because I care.

I have been hurt through body, heart and mind
Am I understood, don't think so...
Then I possibly may be blind.

I work hard in life and feel self righteous in soul
Nothing lasts forever
As humbleness needs to show. 

Saturday, 17 December 2016

Together as a festive team

This wordsmith say merry Christmas for this joyous part of the year. 
Thank you for an excellent occasion which priyanka delivered a wonderful treat. 
Nice to flourish and enjoy each other's time,
Yes, I am writing another rhyme...

So enjoy, be merry and brace   This festive treat. Surely poetry isn't for everyone, 
Yet this occasion enhance an array of words which illuminates this delightful meet. 
Jason x

Thursday, 15 December 2016


We need a nudge from time to time
Putting things into perspective 
Is easier said than done
Looking towards a humble goal for us all to become one,
Staying focused as I look into the sun.

Trying and making errors in attempt to get it right
I prefer to be humble with little money to hold
My array of happiness shall prevent me to ever get scold.

No matter who you are
You are special to me
Your life is important in my perennial state 
I strive for happiness.. that's my fate.

No more anger
And no more woeful sin
The past needs to stay where it belongs
A distant memory or a place I forget
Moving towards new chapter, you are looking forward to set.

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Not perfect yet happy

We can't always please
This is something you cannot be taught
Don't beat yourself up
As you cannot be bought.

Yes, others shall have demands 
And others will attempt to control 
Stay in control and flex the shoulder
This shall entice you to become ever so bolder. 

Be nice to your needs 
Even if you do not know what they are 
Love is love, even if it's from far...

Challenges will arise 
The game is not to demise but remain focused
This game called 'life' isn't hocus pocus...

Try to smile once a day
Even from im-perfections released, 
Remember say to yourself 
"This is my journey, no matter how imperfect, at the very least"

Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Call yourself a Christian?

Call yourself a Christian?
I am, honoured I follow the almighty above
We flourish with love... scared! 
Don't be... one day I'll be soaring above like that beautiful dove.

Yes I may do wrong 
I am human after all,
Tests of faith and tests which result in joy
I am open and honest, not like when I was a mischievous boy.

I will make makes
Won't be all,
Yet with foresight and love 
You will elevate to the heavens above.

Call yourself a Christian?
Clearly I am. I can't say I haven't been touched
My journey is in the hands of the almighty
Whatever other folk has to say,
Just quietly pray, and despite difficult times we may face
The balance of spiritual bliss
Enlightens love, you shall always miss. 

Monday, 12 December 2016

Peace in the light

Whatever direction I face
There is always peace in the light,
A strange concoction of words you might find
Despite hardship, the light tends to be kind.

I look into the darkness
I wonder where the light may arrive,
Then there is a glimmer
Now I know the path is bright and I'll survive.

We listen to a motivating song
Or read an array of pumped up words, 
Not to say we won't face a challenge on the way.
We strive for balance, that's what I want to stay. 

No matter how bleak especially the mornings are woefully dark, 
There will always be brightness to lift the gloom,
The sun is now flourishing 
As the day is now set, as darkness no longer looms.

The path is mine

The path is mine
Others can suggest or recommend,
It's my decision which I totally depend 

You may make a mistake
For better or for worse.
The power of being human has its ups and downs. "I told you so. " I heard
"Ain't I allowed to make an error?"
Do not need your words to attempt, or fear in terror.

This is my story
And I am saying it as it is,
Life shall bring many balancing acts 
Including many facts we need to face
There is always solitude and humble wish
I suppose it's like listening to wonderful music, followed by a kiss xx

Sunday, 11 December 2016

A smile rises

A new beginning
That's where we start,
I look to the skies and flourish
Now that's me trying to be smart.

I can run, jump and hold my head high
I focus on love 
As happiness doesn't need to be a sigh.

I brace the smile which illuminates my face
That grin can bring others joy
So capture that moment like that inventive ploy.

So grace us with a pretty smile,
and make all those efforts entice with a jokey laugh
Leading to a new chapter with a Wiley smile, which always lasts for quite a while...

Move forward

I shall reap
I shall challenge
I shall survive
Even if I don't know how right now
My eyes want to  cry
But I do not know how.

The family are hard
And yes, 2 can play at that game,
Trust me dear, I am not the same.

I will fight until I have no breath 
As leaning to the future
Always brings a test.

 The smile will arrive and my heart shall beat with eventually joy
"Call yourself a Christian?" "Yes I am, faith is important to me, not like a monetary toy" 

Let the past stay there

Why can't people move on?
We can only move forward 
From new tales to unfold
We learn to reap new challenges 
Rather than take a step back and get scold.

I look to the future 
And want to concentrate on I
I'll be there for those who want me
I forbid to bow down and cry.

People who bully are weak
They want to control. 
Have they felt my arm? It's solid as a rock.
No need to sink into the ground and sulk
Turn the corner and remount like the hulk. 

Be strong and remain true to who you are
Bullies are cowards who rile the soul
They can move to a direction which has nowhere to go.

So as these words are left behind 
Peace and harmony remain true to the heart
And open feelings have a place to start. 

Saturday, 10 December 2016

Stay Strong

We all know life's a journey
Yet we aim to remain strong
Words and rile the soul and the heart could come to a blow.

Be nice to others
Yet banter can bring some fun
As long there is understanding
Then we can all live as one.

Words will exchange 
And conversations are guarded with haste
We need to remain strong in body, heart and mind
All the ingredients of humanity we need to find.

The soul of truth 
And where the money burns 
Capturing essence of an open gain
Do not allow  anyone (anyone) rule your domain. 

*We are all on a journey to relish life. People will help and, prevent your quest but only you can be strong.. bullies are cowards x

Wednesday, 7 December 2016

A Christmas For 1 and All

Look to the skies and Christmas appears
The moment to celebrate and rejoice
Delivers many cheers.

May you be braces with good food and drink
And you enjoy relaxing festivities with a rested blink.
Be kind to each other, this should all year round.
As long as humbleness keeps our feet on the ground.

Simply enjoy through whatever Christmas path you take.
Time to reflect?
Time to hug?
Time to keep still?
As long as you are humble in the way you festively feel.

There is peace and noise this time of the year
As long there is kindness and free will
You shall embellish a beautiful festive time 
This like many things... comes with a rhyme.

God bless and festive greetings

Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Job worth a wait

You will prevail 
You have the gulle and fight 
open mindedness as well as sight.

You will apply and, you shall succeed 
Despite the result
The balance you will hold
Shall become victorious as well as bold.

I am proud you have come this far
Yet there is more for you to acheive
Despite the result awaits 
These words are from within 
You have the guile and trace
You deserve to capture and be in a better place.

I have written these words from the stars 
With hands still, heart balanced in mind
You shall capture the essence to what you need to acheive.
Praise to you, that's what I believe. 

Monday, 5 December 2016

Beautiful Tastes

Food to nourish  the soul
What a delightful melley of taste  
we consumed with love and joy
Our bellies full and held
So touching to do this together as the taste we humbly yielded.

Food for health
And food for the body, heart and mind
Looking to capture an array of foods around the world
Holding onto moments which brings us all together to feed
That's the aim, like a blossoming seed.

Thank you for the aim to donate this time
People less fortunate yet the proceeds are divine.
People struggling to fill their belly with water and bread,
Putting into perspective from the words I've just said.

Food from the nation was brought forward today,
Humble thoughts and courteous moments flourished with humility and touch,
The world needs these occasions, so we consume the beautiful food we see
Therefore, a humble thank you from I
As I am delighted the proceeds shall go towards those less fortunate from the love shown, 
and shall light in the sky. 

Thanks Ladies for organising #Goviral
Much love 


You, you and you (all good)

The day you said you listen
Is the day I met a friend,
You are a youthful spirit with skills maintained 
managing situations which sometimes need to be refrained.

You are a wonderful soul
With a loving family and humble brace
You look at the solution, stand back and then find a trace.

My friend, my confidante and a great guy to boot
You look at all avenues to capture the change
Curving towards a light to see,
Sometimes 1 plus 1 can add up to three..

The plethora of thoughts
And the care in your heart.
Brilliant skills which can never be old...
Reason why? You have many stories, ready to be told.

From one J to another. :)

Saturday, 3 December 2016

My eyes look up

My eyes well
Yet my strength today remains intact
Take me away?
Or should I accept the facts?

I love you
But liking you can be a challenge
Like a sporting contest
Where you aim for first place
The start and the finish, that's the taste.

I have no time for negative souls
I love them afar, doesn't mean I don't care
It's down to that individual to question their Path, rather than shout out and blare..,

Love from the heavens
And love from within
The fire in the soul needs to have balance with open eyes.
Looking to the skies shall release a happy cry...

Friday, 2 December 2016

I see the skies

I see the heavens 
That's my aim
My God, my blanket
My eternal flame. 

May peace be with heaven
And earth fights a balanced act
We should go through heavens door... that's a fact.

I pray for god
And pray for the balance I find in spirit and mind
Beauty of wholeness 
Possess a warmth to find.

May hugs arrive from heaven 
And align the eyes we see win. Let's us hold together,
All the goodness within. Amen

Monday, 28 November 2016

A hug of truth

My son 
My friend
All shall be okay
Hold strong and true
No need for other clues

I will hold you 
And look to the sky above,
Working out the next move 
Allah be praise
As all shall sooth.

With focus and love
Your world will unravel a positive light
Hold in there and fight for what is right.

A warm hug is a temporary fix
But the essence of true care 
Become humble and true, bring peace to the mind as all shall become chilled from what that we find.


Sunday, 27 November 2016

Lead by example

We know without health there is no soul
The path to capture true humbleness in our brace
We are looking for balance 
To be in a better place. 

Health holds love
And love has a place in health,
Be nice to your needs
Don't burn out, perspective litters us with many seeds.

We look to the skies 
And we look to the people we love,
Yet with power and trance 
We can entice our health needs in advance.

Hold my hand as aim to be there,
Looking at ways to maintain health,
This is sometimes far more important 
Than having money and wealth. 

Angry but can still love

I did wrong in the past, does that make me a bad person within?
Yes I have lied
But have I caused immortal sin.

People can't release, but I will let them go.
Despite there status to me.
I have cut the cord as I reveal a time to become free.

I am lucky I have people that care for my spirit and soul. 
Everyday, is a new journey as the negatives can leave me as I can now glow.

My strength is to move forth
As those I thought would be there have deployed, 
I have learnt many lessons which have scold as the spirit of life is always there to unfold.

Shall I remain alone?

Shall I remain alone
Or is this life I will to lead?
I should I would be able to cope
As god is what I need.

Yet love would be nice 
And a balance we look to attain.
The way the world is right now,
I don't think London is the place I belong as rushing courses a slope.
I rather adopt Muhammad's theory 
And 'rope a dope'.

Love me and my God
As I shall capture peace.
My eyes filled with light,
As from the devils attack
I shall fight. 

So eyes wide open
And a new days dawns, 
I suppose with belief 
And guile, all issues can take awhile. 

My love and my seeking God

Love for life
Or have I moved away?
Easy to do
As occasionally the good things have no say!

Yet with the fight and true will
Your focus can regain
I too have focused adversity within
I turned it around by starting a phrase with a 'yes' rather than a 'no' time for positivity to just flow.

I close my eyes 
And pray for a while,
A strong feeling enters inside
So much joy arrives 
As goodness flourishes with no more sighs.

I open my eyes 
And feel the fresh sweat from a strong task.
Trying, trying and more to come as the point of life is to live it for you.
As long as you have a warm heart, there is always a heaven to see within you.

Saturday, 26 November 2016

A hug of truth

My son 
My friend
All shall be okay
Hold strong and true
No need for other clues

I will hold you 
And look to the sky above,
Working out the next move 
Allah be praise 
all shall sooth.

With focus and love
Your world will unravel a positive light
Hold in there and fight for what is right.

A warm hug is a temporary fix
But its the essence of true care,
Become humble and true, bring peace to the mind as all shall become chilled from what that we find.

Move towards these words

The love 
The passion
The words
The light
The need to fight 
The need to have sight.

I want your heart
Yet friendship is the key
If I love you
That would be positive and would undoubtably set you free. 

The sun exudes the mind 
And the mind exudes the soul.
These positive sensory shall endeavour you to blow.

I want to hold you tight 
And flourish with might,
All shall be revealed from those 4 words congealed 
As humbleness and openness becomes surreal.

Love captures love

We look to skies
And the world has an answer. 
Love is the word
And light is the key. You are you, and love sets you free.

Love is power
And power is love,
We hold what is true, love does not need a clue.

I want to love
And one day love would find me,
I have my floors
As love hold onto my key.

The day love loses its light 
Then light loses its day.
Brew the heart and mind.
Love is like the wind.
It flows through the course to the heart.
Never lose touch of the brisk of air,
With love there is something we all deserve, so let us all share. xxx

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Words fall into place

The forelore of words can be good or indifferent, 
Depending if we need to release or control
And avoid to cease.

If we hold back, is that good or bad?
I suppose it depends if the words compose a dynamic deal,
Or a humble flow
Resulting with the head down and no drama sow.

Balance is always the key
A deluge of humility always attains, 
A rambling of words I find does not help
The panick of the spirit can cause to yelp.

The art is never lose focus
As we all count in this tapestry for a better state, 
Isn't life difficult as it is,
So why put so much more on your plate.

Monday, 21 November 2016

Behind the paper work

Health is placed with many facets 
An aim to get people better,
Money? An appointment? 
A leap of hope, avoiding people to slip down a  unwanted health slope.

Our function, no matter how tired we seem
Is to focus on the patient for the part we need to read.
How do you want to be treated?
With respect, humbleness and care!
There is a lot to say by just being there.

Care, hope and resourceful strength
We have an excellent health care system
Which is taxed furiously at vigorous length.

Behind the paperwork there is a responsibility  to play your part,
Never lose focus, that comes from the patients heart..

Peace and health 

Saturday, 19 November 2016


Yiayia. The word to me means I miss her soul
Her calmness,
Her pure presence 
Her beautiful face
I will hold dearly, 
Anytime, any place.

The day she moved to the heavens above
Her spirit touched my soul,
She called me angel
That name shall never go. 

I love my Yiayia
She was the depth of my loins
Her gentleness would erase the most horrendous of wars,
With that would revive love and harmony to be taken to the shores.

She was my rock
And she was my soul
When I pray to steady the ship
I know that she's with me 
Like a fine wine, that I love to sip...

To my Yiayia (grandmother)


Friday, 18 November 2016

Bullies are cowards

They do not have a place

Yes, they do need to be loved

Yet at the same time if evil thought enter their mind

Here’s my punch.. now get up from the rind.


I don’t want to think this way of you

Clearly you are unhappy with thee.

I suppose 7 sins has hit you

Now change your ways and set yourself free.


None of us are perfect

And the wrench in the hearts holds a bitter pill

Yet with warm love and a conversation to release

We are the better people, that is the focus at the very least.


Bullies are weak people who try their luck

They have no place in society in our hearts and eyes

So easy to play the bully,  because they want to control.

Tell you what I believe, if you look into their eye and say ‘no’ or not entertain a word at all.

Tells me they have demons inside, which are destined to fall.

*At the end of the day, none of us are perfect, but don’t let anyone, anyone get you down… otherwise Muhammad Jason shall give them a highland kiss.


Have a great and blessed day…. J

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Title: You made it happen

Achievements are moments, we exhale like wind through a concept of time.
Balanced thoughts are braced and success is the result to taste.

Eyes wide open, this is your time.
Relish the minutes/hours your spirit runs through,
A second, a minute where the ideas comes with an inspired clue.

An idea is delivered, and a moment has now passed. 
Now we are thriving as we yearn for these times to forever last. 

Love is great and joy comes with light.
You have arrived now, yet the journey of victory requires an enchanted bow. 

Well done S
:) x

From J 🤓

Thank you

I crave for peace
Possibly respect
Yet with the lords path
I can find goodness, which I have met.

Love is peace 
And peace is joy
All beauty within
Jones in with eyes wide open 
As this isn't playing with a toy.

Peace on earth 
And balance found 
In spiritual gain 
love for life  saves all
As with Christ I promise you shan't fall.


Monday, 7 November 2016

Peace in health

We look from the start to the end,
We may go and exercise to capture balanced thought
Or hold onto life, which should be naturally taught.

We look at that piece of chocolate, 
And yet, we have diabetes to contain
We are always looking at balance 
As life we look to sustain.

Our health is paramount
Yet sometimes it's the most challenge possession that we harm,
Why don't we focus what's inside? 
Holding back the thoughts which can hurt our flesh
Isn't that the answer to the question... what else is less?

May we smile and bring to the table all the good we hold.
A balance of good food and an exercise treat.
Isn't what life's all about.., especially when we meet... 



Tolerance of life

We are impatient society
And yet some of us   yearn for inner peace.
The Chaos of rushing to get things done
Can sometimes become the beast.

Does this  resolve issues?
Or captures a day when tasks need to be complete.
Yet there is a question...
Is there quality in the decision from the task or, feat?
I suppose a balance is what we seek 
No drama or added words to cause a storm 
Does that deliver a humble form.

Those who attempt to rush me must have the strength of a 1000 men.
As my body is statute and attained
Allow peace into the equation 
Which takes away an enforced situation... we all need to be refrain...

Sunday, 6 November 2016

Forgive yourself and let me be...

Please move forward, the past needs to stay there,
If you are unforgiving or angry, then hope won't care.

I will push away
As I can't take no more, leave me alone the devil
This negativity can become sore.

Most of us have all done wrong, even though we don't see the light.
Peace on earth  is very beautiful.
Doesn't that bring you positive sight?

We all need peace and forgiveness,
It's the only way forth.
Hurt my nature  as I may have done wrong. What is the result? A damming song.

Love only love conquers the bad we confront. Hold onto peace on earth is best and only way... loving you is all I can say. 


Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Health Needs

Health is the centre of the human mind
Without it, you can't be strong, humble, spiritual.. especially when looking for something so kind. 

We rely on systems to balance the human core,
Humility combined with a health economy mind, seeks aspiration, so balanced and so easy to find.

The world is challenged with behaviours that do not entertain the health core, we want everything now yet our health is effected so much more.

Health needs have never been so great.
Need to find answers to questions, not always a political debate.
If a person is unwell, a commons debate does not always help, hence the reason for a health economy especially in times we struggle to yelp.  

A Day For you

A day to be chilled

A day to do what you want

A day to reflect

A day to moan and thrill, may be a day to be humble a frill.


Balance this day

Or go all full out

Learn from the best

That’s you… with lots of zest.


A moment to embrace time

A moment to read this rhyme

A break is what you need

Or a birthday burger… what a feed.


From mate to mate, have a great day

Whatever the occasion you deserve to simply have fun

The art of a birthday wish Is to close your eyes, wish for the best….

Hence you are awesome, from which I say no less.

Sunday, 23 October 2016

Birthday Mass

Blesseth this day from this birthday brace,
Enjoy the Essence from this balanced mind 
Kindness prosperity are balances to find.

Peace on earth and birthday greetings from gods grace. Learn to find balance in a humble place.

Words from a brother which arrived through god. The noise and chaos which derives yet peace on earth  is something we embrace and learn to have a base.

Be at peace, and enjoy this day. 
Harmony on earth shall have its place. 
Calmness and gratitude arrive partly through these words
As birthday greetings traces a godly mass as goodness shall arrive for all... alas 

Saturday, 22 October 2016

Goodness to clone x

Hello my dear
Just had a thought about beautiful thee,
I hope you are feeling better in your attempt to simply be.

May your health capture strength
And your mind have a humble base, learning to move towards a calmer and peaceful place. 

These words were made for you, nothing wanted in return, just me, hugging your warm nature at the very least.

We will move forward, that is our aim, despite wanting peace we also need balance to attain.

Love and hugs, that's what the world needs for peace of mind, look to the heart, spirit and a forthcoming home. Glorious goodness we all look to clone....

Monday, 17 October 2016

Moving Home

Skipton House 

The new location in our  strategic NHSE move, 

Therefore, a time to reflect and focus 

Learning to assist the public, with a Health care groove.


So with a strong balance 

And a clear focus view, 

Endeavours to capture a forward thinking drive

As NHS England looks towards an involving strive. 


Working towards the best mechanics to put operations in place

The world of health has moved so much on since 1948,

The timing to rejoice a balanced new home 

Turning a new page  so new exciting operations are ready to be set in stone.


We are all looking towards the commissioning cycle to rise

Capture the best value for money, 

Preventing this great health system to demise. 

Another chapter unfolds 

And our hearts shall embrace. 

Lets work towards thriving new chapters for us to all work towards…. and face

Saturday, 15 October 2016

Do I want to hate

Things are said
I rather leave be 
And possibly go to bed.

People shall hurt
And people shall cry
Sometimes, just sometimes I rather....

I look towards the sky and pray for enchanting  love
I want peace and harmony to ease the soul
flowing so graciously to ease the mind.
Love you dear lord 
As this inner sanctum is sometimes so difficult to unbind. 

I capture words from the heart rather than head
As this series of moments called life 
Holds a deepnest which can become easy and sometimes blue, just don't beat yourself up from decisions you may rue.,.


The words of past and present     arrive from you. Where from? There is a spirit which arrives with humbleness and, with no clues.

I am fun, love and sadness in a bun. What do I want? A time to reflect, go forth and look into a gleaming sun. 

Am I angry? Not at all. A little frustrated with things, yet that's part of life challenges, which are brought upon a smile and the humming of a sing.

Love shall conquer, despite trials and tribulations faced. I look into the sky, as these words are a mere sample that one needs to taste.

Saturday, 8 October 2016

The Moment

I see the world and empathy is what it needs
The art of love
Is something none of us need to bleed.

Humility, prosperity. We must all rejoice 
Love is love
Yet sometimes we need to voice.

Brace the humbleness
Despite what I avoid.
Love you earth, 
Nothing else needs to be toyed...

I care, I share 
I brace and find 
Yet the art of humanity is to touch its whole
As I gaze endlessly
as my words begin to grow. x x

"For someone I love wholeheartedly"

Thursday, 6 October 2016


The best feeling to be held 
So warm, so nice brings the sunshine for us to entice.

Once warmth hits the skin to be soothed
The joy of assurance inflicts a more positive mood.

We all need to be hugged, no matter the person, the path is set for us all.
"Hug me my dear, I'll refuse to fall".

The strength of these words derive towards thoughts about you, so thank you, I humbly hope you are ok...
Loving to be held as the chaos needs to be at bay..

J for Rach

Friday, 30 September 2016

Calm in thoughts

There are people in life that shall rock your mood.
Make some noise can be detrimental and does not soothe.

The reason for calm is to find a balanced place
Hence my strength and attainment 
Has the components which shall find a place out of the maze.

The noise can be good when people rejoice
Yet for my need to hold balance and kind
Is to used my silence as strength,
That's where I capture the key I need to find.

These tests are never easy to overcome
On occasion the balance of strength, silence and strong emotion, we can find the path we deserve
As that balanced walk shall unlock that road at that time.
The strength my friends reveals that beautiful piece of thyme..

Thursday, 29 September 2016

I am having a hypo

Here I am, having a moment to share
Sugars have dropped 
And others just stare.

People with the condition 
Do not have a clue
Unless they care for someone 
Just like me, and you.

People may regard
Or provide you with a sweet sapping drink
The moment is scary
You just want to sink.

We look drunk and appear arose 
As the sugars dropping from our system 
Can lead to our eyes closed.

This is a message for those who do not know,
As we look towards to finding anything bitter sweet
As the problem with a hypo, is that you constantly eat. 


Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Next Stage

Paths evolve and new opportunities arise
The start of a new beginning shall lead to many of a surprise.

The job will open a door
And the path will balance the light,
These new beginnings shall endeavour a delightful sight.

Regulate with array of words and consumption of free flowing brace.
Humble beginnings of a role shall have its place.

A new stage 
A new touch of sight towards health
Learning new skills to pertain 
As well as flowing 
And gracefully maintain. 

Who I am

Spent my life justifying who I am
Now I am ready to stand strong towards controlling insecure souls. 
For which I can now turn away 
Thereby, refrain to chose.

Words will be said 
And a fight needs to be prepared 
Love, only love is the movement which needs to be stared.

I suppose we need a variety to experience,
Despite at the time, the people we struggle to capture a balance to attain, 
Possessing a journey which needs to be contained. 

So smile or cry 
As balance is the pivotal key
The purpose of love (not control)
Is to become free. 

Tuesday, 27 September 2016


People will judge
That's the words I say 
People will care 
That's the area I want to convey.

We have all made errors
And those who do not forgive,
They have a quest to move away from hell
As their test is to learn to find and, to live.

Be calm with your wants
And be calm with your needs 
Maybe we can flee from the chaos 
For that only bleeds

I crave calm people 
But those who want to shake and shout
The balance of strength 
Is to attain and, simply go about.


Some people care
Some people stare
Some people do not know what to do
Some people haven't got a clue.

Some people listen
Some people talk
Some people moan
Some people walk.

The important thing is that these attributes surround 
And sometimes they are found 
May the balance suffice 
As the world we delve in has no price.

Love only love works the magic for all to see
As working out these journeys can only be.
We can't enforce just try out best
Learn to embrace change, maybe that's the test..

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

A day to saviour

A day moves to a magical number 
A day we shan't forget.
Half a century? 50? Call the stage at your will, all I know this time may become surreal.

A time your reflect
A time to surge towards a humble path.
You my friend, who has faced many a challenge time
Shall move forward with family and friend support, these attributes you exude, as well have been taught.

The day shall be humble
The day will be politically sweet.
You my friend shall endeavour to contour the passion from the joys you are about to meet.

Stand strong
And stand towards a day which meets a milestone to embrace,
You my friend shall enter towards an enchanting place.

Happy birthday DTR


Sent from my iPhone

Monday, 19 September 2016

Strength in Community

Please remain strong and look into the light
This delivers openness and time
Holding people together needs to contain a strength
The essence to be there has the time, patience and the sense.

I will never leave you
People with big hearts will remain true
Times will challenge
Yet when a community pulls together
this captures the beauty of emotional touch
Therefore, friends and family means so much.

These words are to flourish 
And arrive from the head as well as the heart
Please remain strong 
I promise you, no one shall ever part.

Positively from love is to conquer all
The art when faced with a difficult time 
Is to gaze at your children
from the healing which comes with humble signs.


Saturday, 17 September 2016

A Choice

For better or for worse I walk the path I choose to take.
Yes I am a little low, yet this path I shall learn from, therefore shall wake.

No flame without fire
Learning from this situation shall lead to a decision, despite the mire.

Love will conquer 
So will passion and grace,
Ain't we all looking towards a beautiful place.

The balance is insecure, but that's only for now.
Despite the tears welling my passage will soon scowl. 


God gave me you

We love, we cry, we lavish and we sigh
No regrets to say those 3 special words
My heart yelps to hold you again.
Respect all has changed and that we remain soulful once again.

I adore, I want more,
Nothing more to crave, just a wanting as I wish to be brave.

I'll never stop loving you
That's a matter of fact
I suppose the love will continue to remain... Never a regret
Just a want all over again.

Love is power
And love is real...
The deepest want, is that we remain surreal.


Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Working through

Working our way through this life we live
Caring, disliking, breaking and loving
The essence to move through the path faced
Like a mixed Greek meze meal,
Parts you would like and others are an empty taste.

We try as hard as we can, to do what is right
Some errors will arrive but that's part of growing.
Elements of our journey is great
Yet there are obstacles we need to avoid
Use your armour, which is deployed.

Break the stone of the righteous light
Communication is craved, yet battles ride the storm.
Balanced humility is key... Try to remain calm and mildly warm.

Goodbye my brother and sisters
We shall off course meet again.
The art of humanity is to do right for your fellow ray of light.
Balanced brace shall enter the fore
I love you guys forever more...

Friday, 9 September 2016

Love... More ways than one

Muscles tight
No need to fight
I just want humbleness 
With that, comes sight.

No more hurt 
And no more pain,
I am here with you,
Avoid going insane.

My desire is to live
Strife and relish an openness of joy
Love is beauty
Never treat as a toy.

The glory of touch
Shall mean so much
We meet for a reason 
No alcohol, nor treason.

A power of the vibe
Shall always stay alive.
Love in one way or next
Makes everything perfect, no need to vex x

Your time

No where to turn or nowhere to hide,
Wish you happiness
This is now your test.

Your spirit warm
And humour elated
Your path in life shall always be fated.

We care, we dream nothing does not always appear as it seems.

Be true and be humble with a touching brace, look into the mirror, and shine from that beautiful face. 

Hold you my sister
I truly have your back, the journey you are about to face is deep and meaningful, an essence you DO NOT lack...

No more poems (today) xx


My heart looms with love 
And the devil fights the soul
He would get at you through loves for who you care. 
The serpent attacks, for that they shall dare.

Hurt with bitterness
And try to make you weak
Gods children's rejoice 
All the goodness that you seek.

I can't face that person 
And not I'll ever fray
My heart with Jesus Christ
Shall protect us forever and a day.

The beauty a spirit holds
Endeavours the goodness of light.
Love you Christ almighty 
You hold the key to all our sight. 


Saturday, 3 September 2016

Forgiveness and see light

Yes I have lied
Yet I am short from the grCe of God
Not acceptable, I know as others shall attempt
To stem my flow.

I am strong in body, heart and mind.
I am human with good qualities and bad
I rather shine around radiators 
Rather than a stain around.

Love me for me
And let the past be the past
Yet you always see me as a liar,
The one who leave their memories to continue to last.

I am hurting inside
But that's for me to hold true.
I need to avoid woeful foes
Who do not walk the same path,
And attribute your pitiful wrath.

The Truth

Yes I have lied
Yes I have delivered deceit
Yet can we move on?
For some it's a difficult feat.

Why do we lie?
Why do we exaggerate the truth
People can't move on
So in my world,
They can enter into a telephone booth.

My eyes are teary
As someone cannot accept the mistakes I made in the past
Yet with Christ on my side
I am positive the anger is not to last.

A lie is red or black
And sometimes people despise the deceit received
Can you blame them?
Yes or no.
Yet we have hurt in a way
Where others cannot forgive
Yet killing has not occurred 
As pain has burnt a trust to distain 
As a page has closed from a loved one who has shut the door.
Now question this?
Do I need that person more.

The devil attacks

The devil attacks 
I will wer my armour from God.
This isn't a superman film
Where I am not facing Zod.

My arms are strong
And my thoughts trained,
If you do not forgive
That's your life
I shan't entertain your strife.

I love who I love
And that person I love the most should be me.
If I am not strong for I,
The.n my energies won't be there
Which endeavours a sign.

This is a challenge
But challenges shall surround us all.
Be prepared to face your nemesis
And that the end result
Shall make you feel tall.

My Yiayia

My Yiayia
My Yiayia 
In my parents mother longer
Is translated as "Nan"
She was my world
And I was her greatest fan.

She was my calm
And my unconditional friend
A delight to be around
A beauty I can wholeheartedly depend.

She called me 'Angel' and that filled me with delight
She was my sanctum, my world as well as my glorious light.

Most importantly she was my peace
She represented my inner being, 
Abundance of humility, the very least....

Wednesday, 31 August 2016

The Art of Moving On

When people cannot forgive and remind you the fact. Depends on the situation, yet the love has died and there's no more tact.

 So we have made mistakes, even exaggerated the truth, yet that person does not forgive or moves forward, like a decaying tooth.

The heart is big and humans shall always make a number of mistakes, holding resentment is a waste of energy and a bitter pill to take, yet this journey should be exciting and cumbersome, yet these negative attributes from some aim to break.

Love only love holds us together within, yet some people hold the  immortal sin.

 Hurt me with words and hold a sword to my throat. I'll will attempt to simply love you, no need to gloat.

 My heart is big, and yes, I have fallen short from immortal sin. All I can try to do is love you, isn't that a better way to win?

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Beautiful People and beautiful life...

To start the world is a challenge we all face.
Finding that beautiful soul who entwine in mysrlf as one, starts a fresh beginning like the brightness towards the morning sun.

A glare, a touch and secure bond.
A time when consummation enters the fore
The glory of two special people arriving together means so much more.

May your lifes delve onto a path so beautiful and serene
And the essence of humble grace
Go forth onto a glorious place.

Love shall always win
Especially with the journey you are ready to delve
Thd two of you holds the key to make this a beautiful start for all to embrace.
Encouragement, meaningful words to support
A glorious journey with eyes wide open, which cannot be taught.

J x

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

The person that I am

I am me and you are you
Do I need me or otherwise I need you?
Like me or loathe me
I can only modify what I Nedd to change.
Or consequently workout
The mind I have drained.

Andry, hurt what have I done!
I am ready for a fight
But when I do, what have I won?

Sleepy eyes
And wholesome trace
We need this world to be in a better place.
How is this done?
Through hard slog and guile
My energies, regardless will last for quite a while.

What do I need?
A bit of understanding and tact.
Leave me alone as I need me for me.
Sometimes family is not enough to, for a time to be... x

Sunday, 7 August 2016

Health Cycle

How do I want to be treated when feeling low or sad?
Injury, mental health or medically scold.
Health care always need to fight its tiredness and attempt to remain bold.

A strain from circumstances
Our NHS is the best
Time after time staff and patients are put through a fulore tests.

Health can strain the fittest of souls
Souls who fight with sheer strength and tiresome will.
The NHS fight surges with pride
A tireless journey looking to subside.

We look to the future 
And we look to what is right.
The services in health need money to tighten this frontline resource.
Cementing a foundation as the NHS continues to remain a force...

Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Eyes wide shut x

Open your eyes
Is it bright
Moods to awaken the soul
The time is set
It's now time for you to go...

Go with guile
Go with pace
This world can sometimes be difficult
But there is always a time and place. 

If the world poses challenges
Then face them with passion and want
The essence of life is to pick the fights you can win... otherwise no point, that is where defeat comes in.

A smile, a hug
That simplification to say you'll be there.
The purpose of holding true means this prevalent thought... you are their x x

Sunday, 31 July 2016

Holding on

You come up with confidence
And the world thinks you have guile.
Yet with confidence comes a price
Sometimes you are not always seen as nice.

When the word love holds inside so true
Looking for answers to questions
Like a  humble cup of brew.

I am asking questions
Like I am sure we all are,
A pattern to where life takes us for sure...
Looking for answers, just like a cure.

I love my life but not sure if it loves me
I need to search deeper,
Not just for you and I 
Just like all the elements in the equation...  
As our aspiration is to just sign... 

Sunday, 24 July 2016

My World's needs x

A day is to be embraced
A day sometimes needs to be embroiled with hope
The lives we live can exude into an uncertain slope.

You want the people closest to you want to understand,
And if they don't, you need to accept that's their point of view.
Maybe it's their experience which you lack.. and unfortunately cannot ensue.

We view life and pray as we  look to the heavens and sky.
Looking towards a new beginning to evolve with family and, ties.
Moving forward with warmth and joy. No need for angst or politics just a taste of life's humbleness.... and not a ploy.

I am tired yet energised enough to move forward with light
Love with love and hope with hope.
Arguments are good for those who delve in that realm.
I am realist and optimist and have no time for that debate.
I believe it's all good... that's my kind of fate x

Saturday, 9 July 2016

Earthly love

The day I gazed at you in heaven, was also held beautifully on earth. The love you portrayed,
Is like an exciting new birth.

My heart is drilled with poetry
A place where my heart belongs,
As long as there are days of happiness 
I shall continue to write poetic songs.

May my heart run true to those I love
Yet you are the exception, like a wholesome dove.

May my tears run bright
With all its sight,
As long there is love, there is also sight X x

Nothing lasts forever

Nothing lasts forever
That's not true?
I have a glancing thought... That's right.. Me and you.

A new page turns
Nothing has a place to burn
The world has its changing ways
Hence the reason not to be fiery, just keep at bay.

The world will see you and I prevail
Despite struggles to face. People like you do i, just make this world a better place.

Change is not what I am use to
But love for one and all is what I am.
As long as the spirit runs high
Then god amongst us all shall refrain a turbulent cry.

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

A Balanced Path

My love to you and your family as this arrives from the sky.
It's all good my love as tears of care shall never shed a goodbye

My day ooz love
And my day ooz calm
Yet with the turbulent world we live in, we must avoid any harm.

The words flow with plight
A word not so good to the human ear,
Live life and prosper
We have nothing else to fear.

Love and warmth from the heavens above
A balanced motive with a Desired brace
Despite all that is said, this is a beautiful place. 

Sunday, 3 July 2016

The power of loving care x

Warm heart and loving souls shall bring the world together with a delightful bow. 

The path we follow 
And hearts which sing
Balanced humbleness elevates the beauty we bring 

The day belongs to the good
And if hurt soul contribute with haste
Then the meaning of life needs to derive in a spiritual place.

Family and friendship shall always bring good, the challenges of happiness will always be there. Just ignore vexatious folk... Who really don't care.

With love comes power as the evil spirit will eventually flee... All that matters is you and me.. (and the rest if they behave themselves) x x

Sunday, 26 June 2016

Title: Bless this day

Bless this day
No rushing today
If peace and calm arrive
Then humbleness shall allow you to survive.

The pace of the planet needs to be aligned and love for each other become sublime.

Hold my hand today
No point to prove today, as others will always have something to say.

Peace and calm
That's all that we need
The argument of life does have its place
Let's face it life is only complicated as too many unnecessary words get in the way x

Thursday, 23 June 2016

Decision.. Better or Worse

So we are out
And definitely not in
Live for the future 
From this bureaucratic sin.

A stand has been made
For better or for worse, we have now decided.. Now Britain needs to flourish.. Not burst.

Can it work? There are clearly fors and against,
Yet the important thing is to stay united from the smaller circle regained, 
The history of Europe has led this outcome from what appeared an unhealthy stain.

Some live by the motto "we are here for a good time but always a long time.."
Yet this political feud has lead us towards an uncertain mood.
As its time to move forward and banish this feud.

There will be always be mistakes, and yet there will be success,
Now look forward to the future, which now starts from this text x
To my people 
J x

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

a blessed day

May your day be balanced and with peace
And others with no calm in their life's need to be prayed for... At the very least..

Love, peace and harmony shall always be thrown your way..
A kiss and a massive hug is never deflected as humbleness never sways.

May there be peace and love
But most importantly of all, the beauty from the sky above.

A kiss, a touch a powerful act to enlighten, 
The essence to move forward and brighten.

The world needs more love and someone to say they are there...
No more phones to interrupt, just a peaceful voice.. That's not asking for too much xx 

Sunday, 5 June 2016


Good morning and Thank you for holding me when I felt low. Struggling with emotions can be quite a blow. 

Thank you for caring
And say you have my back
I need closure as peace of mind is something none of us should ever lack.

Thank you for being you in this time which I need.
Love you forever, just like a blossoming seed. 

Saturday, 4 June 2016

Took my bike

They took my bike
Damn.. That made be strong,
Float like a butterfly and sting like a bee...
Are you ready world? 
The greatest, you'll ever see.

One in a life time
And pretty like a humming bird,
The beauty of the greatest was open, gifted and grace
Come over here... And see this pretty face.

Fast, poetic and the reason why I have transformed the world...
I hit you so hard, with speed, agility and calm... Really?? I didn't want to do anyone any harm..

Controversial, honest and shoot the planet with inner beliefs 
A simple boy from Kentucky, all started from someone steeling a bike, which caused me to become a pretty and, the greatest... The very least..

Tribute to Muhammed Ali 

Friday, 3 June 2016

Birthday Cuz

Friend and family that's what you are,
A delightful 21st birthday comes to the mind,
A special day looms 
Which we effortlessly bind.

We may touch another year older
And aim to find  another day of peace.
May the 2nd of June, 
touches our heart... at the very least.

Personally I find you a delightful chap,
Many wonderful moments you have brought to the fore,
A mere birthday greet.. You deserve so much more.

A diamond gentlemen 
As this day solely belongs to you. 
Peace of mind or, a business venture to aim,
Balanced emotions we all look to attain  x x

Love ya Cuz x


Tuesday, 31 May 2016

End of a Chapter... Turn to the next page

All things come to an end
I suppose it's what you learn
Is all that we depend..

Maybe a release of joy
Or a tear for a friend
One and for all
Is sometimes a message to send.

My heart is bigger
But their are others bigger than mine,
I love to love 
Yet there are special places so divine.

I love you
I may not know...or get to know thee
I suppose I want a balance in harmony 
In the glory I am about to see.

May you be a radiator rather than a drain
And the light shines through what you do 
And the essence of a beautiful life is derived between me and you...

Monday, 30 May 2016

Gods Grace

May the grace of God hold us true
He knows the light shine on me and you.

He is our saviour
Or true supreme spirit
The divine one will make sure we are 'with it'..,
Touch our minds
And touch our souls 
The beauty of Christ is to defend his children from the blows.

So as our hearts are touched
And tears run like a lake.
The outcome for glory shall never be forsake. 


Thursday, 26 May 2016

3 Months

A time to reflect
Whereby, rest and challenges draw close,
Your desire for better care is the passion which means the most.

May your heart and drive encompass with rest, and this time out strives towards your inner best.

May peace, noise and political challenges face an embrace,
You have certainly done your bit 
With skill and uncanny wit.

Now rest, or aspire
Your path shall release a beautiful chapter to unfold, 
As this is only part of the story that I have told.....

Jas x

Thank you for humble worlds

I love this earth
I love the lords grace
You have said prevalent words
That always have a trace.

I love you my brother
I love you my sister,
Mum and dad you have been there for me
I endear to my friends words from what I see.

It's all ok
I cannot lose focus from the word
I embrace the moments I currently face
Hold me tightly, a lose tongue to taste.

Thank you, those words empowered a humble soul
I entice a number of words which may fall from grace
Thank you true friend, heartfelt and an amazing place. 

Monday, 23 May 2016

Thank you for releasing my heart

I struggled with emotion
Learning to release
This time has guided me to move forward
And not to cease.
I am a private soul, and aim no one any harm
Yet with resilience and power I have learnt to keep away with my infueld arm.

Yes, I am no different from anyone else...
But these words and feelings are not to be diminished.
If you underrate my way
Then I will pray and learn to keep you at bay.

I am strong in presence 
Yet I hurt when you push me away,
At least there are people who are there during time of need.
Stems the blood gushing in the haste of the bleed.

Thank you, I may not truly know you
But you are there for me, as I want my love to endear to thee.
The word 'thank you' may not be a lottery win
Yet with your support I have learnt to trust and avoid sin. 


Sunday, 22 May 2016

A place to lay your head. x x

5 rooms, a place to respect and make you feel safe.
I, like many others is seeking a chance 
The prospect of homelessness
I do not want in my mind, at the very least.

I now feel harassed and harangued 
And humbled with this mere want for an adobe to lay my head.... And sleep in peace, at the very least.  

I pray and hope the world can support at a time where it's me, me and me.
As I remain humble as this is an issue I want to simply be.

5 rooms, a flat
A place for solace and brace for joy and peace.
May the bricks and mortar suffice this need
And support others to start a blossoming seed. 

Thursday, 19 May 2016

The Love Journey continues x x

The moment awaits
That i love you
Never been scared from the love I possess inside, it's a moment to thrive 
And feel alive.

My heart beats a thousand seconds
Fools Rushing  in... continues to Beckons

Feel a little low I am sure I'll be alright
Sometimes you face challenges... And need to stand and fight.

Never knew it would turn out like this,
I am short from godliness,
And it's my family I miss.

I have friends and loves
And that's reciprocates towards them,
Looking for answers to questions 
From this is what I stem.

Heart beats fast
Yet my journey still awaits
I must keep looking for answers 
This humility has its fate.

All the remarks I have thrown in the past
On This occasion it's bitten me back.
I love peace and harmony, 
yet war and journey holds a task
We shall stand strong together
As love shall continue to last x x

Sunday, 15 May 2016

Title: Monday morning feeling.

Mondays ....
A day we tend to dread
I do need an extra day to lay my head

Yet with the sun out
The day may turn out ok
As I know when I gaze into the sky
It's a time for humbleness ,
No need right now, to sigh.

As I walk, I look on to reflect
I am confident the day will pan out fine
Haven't won the lottery 
So unfortunately back to work
Maybe next week I'll win? 
Yet a smile on my face shall humble me within.

Still not keen on Mondays
None of us truly are,
Yet with a warm beverage in one hand 
And peace of mind to hold
The essence of life  is to live, learn and attain and, maybe, just maybe we learn to swain...
J x

Saturday, 14 May 2016

Birthday Share

Birthday greetings 
Relax and enjoy
Embrace the nature and time here
Life's too short
That's why we must reflect and care.

Acknowledge this day
And remember those who are there
Birthday celebration 
Calmness to share.

Balance of mind
Emotions to distill
Learn the essence of life
Is to be cherished and endured
Genuine feelings need to be explored.

Everyday we embrace
As this day is special to you
Birthday greetings for all to hear and see
The essence of life is to just to be.

Happy birthday 

Tuesday, 10 May 2016


We look above and wonder where are we going with this path?
The rain hits the forehead, the wind glances your hair.
The beauty of life is that it gives us a chance to go forward and be there.

Our hugs, our softness with words can exhaust a new day,
There is sometimes too much going on as our hearts feel a little tame.

Yet with love and hindsight 
Gives us a glimmer of hope
Rather going on the path which has a trying slippery slope.

The wind, Sun and rain... All seasons to test the human spirit in all shades of grey
Yet with support, hugs and eternal strength, the wind which follows shall make us hold the cherished time.... And length..

Sunday, 8 May 2016

Love, only love

Hello my love 
The sky is above 
Loving the world for all that it's worth
My heart beats 
Like a mother giving birth. 

I love life
I love you
I love to love
I see your eyes well
All waiting for a story to tell. 

I need a hug sometimes, 
The feeling does not always take the pain away 
Yet with friendship and love from a dear soul, shall enchant a beautiful glow.

I love you
And I know I need a hug 
If I ever was distant or stoic to you my dear
I say sorry, as I hold my hand out to be touched.
Love you, ever so much

J x

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Morning brightly grace X

Good morning my dear
The sun is bright and there's you and me here.
Love is love
And grace is grace 
This is a time were we are gleaming at the sky with no tears to cry.

I hold your hand and all shall be well.
If we have the patience to listen, learn and embrace what others tell.

The smile on my face looms with fleeting grace, 
We all look towards a nurtured and balanced place.

Love and hugs are the key
Without those feelings to hold
Then we cannot strive to become enlightened or, bold..


Monday, 2 May 2016

Humble Grace

love my love
Ain't so sweet
Adore thee from the heart... What a delightful treat.

My love my champion
The person I respect within
You are the key to my heart
As I know your heart along with mine shall never part.

I love thee like a beautiful flower
Blossoming with a fermion that lights the way.
My love for thee is cherished everyday. 

My poetry arrives from my heart
And it takes a special soul to release these words.
We are in love, that we cannot deny
The love I have for you is constantly held 
As a tear rolls down my eye. x

Sunday, 1 May 2016

Inspiration of Love

Love is inspiration 
Love is beauty
Love is delving into a wonderful place,  
Heartfelt words, which arrive with a welcome .

From your heart, you show loyalty and passion to those you adore,
Maybe the essence to embrace is to enhance furthermore.

Love is a queens flame.
A delight to show warmth is to hold true.
You are the delight to those that you love.
A heavenly glory
Relishing a dove. 

Here's my hand 
And there is your heart. 
The beauty of life, there are many, many starts x 

Monday, 25 April 2016

Title: Blessed day

wish you a blessed day and that health is channelled your way. May the day be bright and strong as, there is always a purpose from where we belong.

As the heart and mind seeks a beauty, which is called 'kind'.
The essence of life is to touch and know they self, as others journey shall have their judgements and challenges to face..
I suppose we are entering life in a different pace. 

Love only love is the key
The other traits are to be managed and occasionally enjoyed,
As this subject called 'life' is to be embroiled.


Sunday, 24 April 2016

You've been there

Happy birthday my delightful friend
A person in who I can truly depend. 
I may not see you frequently like I did before, yet that doesn't stop my respect, for my friend I truly adore.

May your day be calm and gentle with a coffee and slice of chocolate cake, 
As you have said never ever said words to forsake. 

Your presence and warmth shall be relished forever and a day, beautiful people like you shall always be encouraged to arrive our way.

Thank you for being you, as your patience and calm has hit my soul.
You my dear has always motivated me to flow.

So please enjoy this most special of days 
My gratitude shall forever last
As I shall always remember the goodness and stability of current and past.

Happy birthday Nicolette x xJ x x

Monday, 18 April 2016

A good day

May the day be sweet
May the day bless your body, heart and mind.
May there be constant love,
We shall seek, and we shall find..

May your heart blossom from the humbleness we obtain
Don't allow anyone spoil your mood, just glide like a free flowing aeroplane. 

Love always conquers
And trusts embeds in that factor too.
Let these take over and you shall receive the clues.

An ear for peace and a mouth for exhaust noise. Love will reap and flourish with open poise. 

What's it all about...? Love x 

In God’s team

It’s the best place to reach Yes, there are trials and tribulations but there’s so much calmer place you when you get teached. There is a pl...