Thursday, 23 June 2016

Decision.. Better or Worse

So we are out
And definitely not in
Live for the future 
From this bureaucratic sin.

A stand has been made
For better or for worse, we have now decided.. Now Britain needs to flourish.. Not burst.

Can it work? There are clearly fors and against,
Yet the important thing is to stay united from the smaller circle regained, 
The history of Europe has led this outcome from what appeared an unhealthy stain.

Some live by the motto "we are here for a good time but always a long time.."
Yet this political feud has lead us towards an uncertain mood.
As its time to move forward and banish this feud.

There will be always be mistakes, and yet there will be success,
Now look forward to the future, which now starts from this text x
To my people 
J x

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The world is fast But pride doesn’t last, Do not implode Do not exceed Simply focus on the bigger goal from where you stay still and feed. S...