Sunday, 24 July 2016

My World's needs x

A day is to be embraced
A day sometimes needs to be embroiled with hope
The lives we live can exude into an uncertain slope.

You want the people closest to you want to understand,
And if they don't, you need to accept that's their point of view.
Maybe it's their experience which you lack.. and unfortunately cannot ensue.

We view life and pray as we  look to the heavens and sky.
Looking towards a new beginning to evolve with family and, ties.
Moving forward with warmth and joy. No need for angst or politics just a taste of life's humbleness.... and not a ploy.

I am tired yet energised enough to move forward with light
Love with love and hope with hope.
Arguments are good for those who delve in that realm.
I am realist and optimist and have no time for that debate.
I believe it's all good... that's my kind of fate x

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