Wednesday, 31 August 2016

The Art of Moving On

When people cannot forgive and remind you the fact. Depends on the situation, yet the love has died and there's no more tact.

 So we have made mistakes, even exaggerated the truth, yet that person does not forgive or moves forward, like a decaying tooth.

The heart is big and humans shall always make a number of mistakes, holding resentment is a waste of energy and a bitter pill to take, yet this journey should be exciting and cumbersome, yet these negative attributes from some aim to break.

Love only love holds us together within, yet some people hold the  immortal sin.

 Hurt me with words and hold a sword to my throat. I'll will attempt to simply love you, no need to gloat.

 My heart is big, and yes, I have fallen short from immortal sin. All I can try to do is love you, isn't that a better way to win?

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