Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Permission to live my life

Who needs permission to live their life?
Do I want guidance 
I rather take the consequence. 
So what! if it's strife!

Proving a point 
Where does that lead?
My distance is my redeemer 
I rather sit in a corner and bleed.

"Call yourself a Christian?"
"How do you know? you are not"
I am me, and you are clearly you
If you treat me with calm then I may move on with one of your clues

My life is my own
I do not want your advice, if fiery
I rather be left alone with a cup of tea,
Now for my peace of mind... leave me be.

I have friends and my coping release
No angry words need to be exchanged 
Isn't that what we all deserve, rather hitting unnecessary nerves x 

Re: Housing in London

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