Tuesday, 9 January 2024

Admiring Matthew

I admire you my good friend 
You are very much class champion,
You say “good morning” gregariously 
As my face illuminates hilariously.

You are witty, funny and say:”Oh my god” at lot,
Yet you are my friend, my brother and possess qualities that are humane which I can never ever forgot.

Matthew you are class 
A supportive friend, with plenty to show the world from what you want to do,
I have belief in you my friend, you are destined to find the metric clues.

So I end on this note
Be kind and favour-some to you,
No stone goes unturned, and guess what? These words I just mention.. well… they are just the channels that you can ensue. 🙏🏽

“Matthew Southgate.. the one and only”
10th January 2024

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