Friday, 31 March 2023

Love today, tomorrow and the day after

Love today
Prayer provides you with that,
Humbleness flows from the centre of the soul
Beauty in God takes ultimate control.

Hold yourself with today
And tomorrow shall make it’s own move,
Prayers shall enter your heart
God’s beautiful vocal shan’t depart.

The day after, God’s will still be there 
but don’t leave it too long 
His worth is mighty and forthcoming 
And the openness of his love is forever humming.

I am here, my love clings onto hope
But I can’t do this alone, as this more than holding onto a rope.

Love, love and hope
You are a child of the Father every day,
He never leaves you, nor does he want to stray.

You are kind
God holds you with his hand,
Never leave him, strength shall always stand.

31st March 2023

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