Wednesday, 15 March 2023


We all have gifts 
And in the way there is haste in the urge of temptation,
Praying has so much humility 
And well as prosperity.

Shine with your gift
The true art provided by a blessing,
You are humbled by understanding 
And the consistency of withstanding.

Pray, shine and with that comes a strength of love 
Stay with the Father in your heart,
Say your thanks show and the spirit you are here 
Happiness is in front of you, and you don’t need to seek far or just anywhere.

Hold my hand 
I shan’t leave,
The Father is laying with you
Holding and squeezing you tight
There is hope in love, please don’t forget that when you pray
It’s more powerful in the glory, and it comes through a moment from which we all share.

15th March 2023

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