Sunday, 18 March 2018

Why not?

Naysayers, which’s means those who say: “you can’t do that?” 
Why not? I am here to live my dream
Do not hold me back
Or I shall let off the steam.

Encourage my actions 
And if I fail?
Then appraise that I have tried,
I have no time for naysayers.. even if I’ve fried.

Deep words! I know
But am I scared, just a bit..
Then working through the rejection and pain
Makes you strong as you banish the stain.

Be around positive people
You know, those who have your back,
Realism, optimism and pessimism have a fine line between 
Be true to thyself, no one walks in your shoes...
Know what I mean? 😉 

Jason Andrews
18th March 2018
(C) Copyright 

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