Saturday, 17 March 2018

Diabetes - you own it!!!

Living with a condition where maths is involved
Culminates a path where I need to remain strong
Working out the numbers from the foods we eat 
Is keeping me alive and that doesn’t include the heat.

Diabetes is a lifestyle change 
Not just for Christmas,
Test your sugars first
And workout what you need to eat 
Then there is the recording, no mean feat.

Ketonacidisis I look to avoid
Yet there will be slip ups
The art, don’t beat yourself up with a void.

Be strong, be focused
You own the condition, it doesn’t own you
What I mean? 
It’s quite simple, you are responsible for a serious disease
But with good discipline the situation can be a breeze. 

“Talking from experience, and it’s not all about being careful, science and methodology is involved”

Jason Andrews 
17th March 2018
(C) copyright 

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