Saturday, 17 March 2018

A new chapter

Delight can sometimes be a fright
Yet god never sleeps
His heart for you sometimes weeps.

These words are powered by the lord
I freely express a spiritual journey
You are open, balanced and loving 
Show the world what you can do
You have the guile and happiness to express and banish the blues.

Mistakes will happen
But learning is the key,
We know this, most of the time 
It’s the time we don’t know, is to diminish the concubine.

Be strong in will 
Balanced in heart
Refresh your motives 
You have the girls, and you are that smart.

Be true, be sweet and ignore the naysayers from the heart,
Stay open and beautiful in body, heart and soul
The path of true happiness always has somewhere to grow.

“Stay blessed Jenny” x

Jason Andrews 
17th March 2018
(C) copyright 

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