Saturday, 3 March 2018


Stuck on a train for god knows how long
Virtually seeing your destination 
Yet the time to arrive just sheer gestation.

We almost arrive to Lewisham
yet the rails faced its biggest struggle, 
We were standing up on a train and nowhere to turn
This is when community plays it’s part, and you’ll get to learn.

Stuck on a rock and very hard place
Amusement was very much needed 
Jokes flowing, reminiscing the past music and TV shows, 
Working through an awkward time, positivity needed to show.

Wit and humour, along with very tired feet 
challengers aside we struggled to keep the show going
Yet, with forth given faith
We overcame a battling wrath. 

😉 this symbol to trying to stay positive, is simply the only way
Speaking to complete strangers to make wrong into right
Leaps our faith to avoid unnecessary plight.

I don’t need to send a global whassup message 
With a point proving goal,
This was a time we helped each other on a very damaged train
As community and focus kept our community sane.

Jason Andrews
3rd March 2018
(C) Copyright 

The 2nd March a train from London Charing halted just 20 metres to Lewisham Train Station. The weather was cold and abismal. The purpose of the poem states a Community stuck together,  during a 2 hours and 30 minutes halt. With gods grace and faith we pulled through” 

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