Friday, 30 March 2018


I need something to do
I feel calm, I have a coffee talking to god
My father calms me down 
I know he has my back as forbids me to drown.

The change will happen,
Not sure what to do? 
God has a plan
As long I follow in obedience
I will stay a broken but resonant.

The dice I had to roll
Brought good and indifferent people to my path
What am I suppose to do when the negativity is aired my way?
God my protector and my lord 
Am I scared? No, I have god in my life
Doesn’t matter what happens when the spirit protects your soul 
My heart belongs to Jesus, no one else 
I need my dads shoulder to cry on 
As I look up to the mountain of Zion. 

Stay blessed x🙏🏽

Jason Andrews
30th March 2018
(C) copyright 

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