Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Humble pie

We like to think we are humble
I know I try my best to follow that path,
You may or, may not have a source of income?
And try to balance the work, life and fun. 

We are all different 
Some nosy than others,
Some just chilled, and  don’t really care
Some inquisitive yet friend afar, that’s me to share.

Personally taking an interest is a balance,
I personally care to a point,
Yet I am no journalist 
Where I don’t need to understand when a persons nose is out of joint.

I just want people to be content or happy 
I do not always need to know why they are who they are,
I have a personality to deflect those who are not my type
As life can be very complicated if you become really ripe. 

I don’t do gossip 
And don’t care much for it too,
As long as you are ok with me 
Then I am ok with you too.

Jason Andrews 
22nd March 2018
(C) copyright 

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