Wednesday, 28 March 2018

My auntie

Almost 21 years since my auntie left to go to heaven,
It’s her birthday today,
She would have been 73 
A Wonder Woman shining over thee.

She was beautiful, calm and polite
Yet do not cross her 
She knew how to stand up to a fight.

MND was the destroyer which took her away
She was funny and lived the life that was judged her way,
She was calm and humble 
All goodness exhalted from her stay.

I recall a poem I wrote for her when she reached 50,
A subtle and humble words expressed 
To have her in my life did not embrace us any far less.

28th March a day which belonged to her, 
And you, my cousin I love you more than you know
Auntie Denise always made us a cup of tea 
As the fieryness simply blew away 
and humbleness took its place, Auntie Denise, happy birthday from the minds eye
That I shall always see. 

“A special day Auntie x x”

Jason Andrews
(C) copyright 
28th March 2018

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