Thursday, 1 March 2018

80s poem

A time where politics took its toil
Children didn’t have social media or tablets to depend
There was a pen pal from far away to transcend.

The amount of people is not as high as today,
So relaxing more often than not, has its place. 
A wimpy burger was a child’s breakout treat,
And there was ‘spitting image’ on the tele 
Where rubber puppets would play politicians and celebs that were in the public eye
“You cannot be serious!” Was often shouted from McEnroe and Connors..
More often than not they would share tennis honours.

Sports scores were less than today 
Liverpool dominated football
As others would frequently fade away
The back pass rule they mastered to keep opponents at bay.

‘Love thy neighbour’ was on the box
And top of the pops was gave us  Friday night musical fun.
“Multicoloured swap shop” and “tiswas” entertained the child’s desire.
Bubble gum smiling appeared on the kids faces,
And then the filo fax brought us the YUPPI
Now that’s was when the mobile phone was a mere puppy.

I could go on and on with memorabilia of yester year to voice, 
“Shut up ya face” was my first 7” record 
As songs hit fun notes with zany trials of glee,
Quirky statements and sign of the times 
This era was fun yet there were bigoted times too
The vibe of this poem is to express the past for better rather than seeing blue.
Being positive is what we all crave 
This era has so much to give with their wit and speed,
Yet the 1980s had something we all craved, and  more often need.

“Do you remember those days??” 

Much love 

Jason Andrews
1st March 2018
(C) Copyright

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