Sunday, 11 March 2018

Mothering Sunday

The hardest job out there
To raise a family and carry a child for nine months,
Working through your patience and trying to say the right things 
Being a mother does not chirp out a sing.

One day at a time 
You see your children grow towards a path,
Learning to aspire and see a goal
A mother’s job is to nuture, and to glow.

May the blessing of a mothers efforts 
Bring not to judge their child,
Learning to stay in control
And flourish their child’s dream and the balance to let go.

May the heavens protect you on this special day
And be spoilt by those children you brought on this earth,
A wanted a challenge, a delightful birth.
The journey isn’t straight forward 
some mums are calm yet testedwith patience,
The balancing act to empower their children’s gifts
Despite a few lapses, this day belongs to all mothers around the earth
A glorious moment, a glorious worth xxxx 

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