Thursday, 29 March 2018

Positive breeds positive

Clearly the words say it all
Hitting a positive theme
Doesn’t always need to be a dream.

Go out there, learn from mistakes 
Avoid politics, if you can
Personally there needs to be a ban.

Sorry if I offend, just my point of view 
Moving forward and not prolonging a debate
Can become unbalanced, and lead to unknowing fate.

Be positive with your wants
Be clear with your needs 
If you are unsure, 
Speak to someone and assured,
If they are not around, then pray and hold onto your strengths
For they clearly have there lengths.

Aim for the stars 
If they are not realistic to achieve 
Look towards another goal, 
At the end of the day 
A defeat doesn’t need to be a blow. 

Jason Andrews
(C) copyright 
29th March 2018

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