Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Do not know the story, but...

I don’t know what happened
But I am there for you,
You do not need my presence 
You just need my soul.

Love is forward thinking
And that is the gift I give to you,
Even if you have it in spirit
I am there too, as I try to feel it.

From the heart I care 
I have no magic wand to banish the past,
All I can do is release these words 
As these moments too have a limit to last. 

I care and that won’t change
I can only hold your hand or give you a hug
These are gods gifts to care for a friend 
Love, only love are the essence from the message that god sends 

Jason Andrews 
(C) copyright 
29th March 2018

For my friend 😉

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