Thursday, 8 March 2018

Behind your back

Call me sensitive 
I feel someone said something about me
An emotional deflections which riled my soul,
The forgiveness in love and mercy you should never let go.

There are people who think they are clever 
Yet the wool cannot be  pulled over my eyes,
I shall deflect with cunning and wit
My eyes may look wired, but I too can be a git.

I would say very little 
And the consequences I say which derive 
I am stronger than you think
From that I shall not sink. 

I am getting older 
Therefore I am getting stronger,
If you talk behind my back
I can only call you gutless 
As well as literacy ficklest.. 

None of us are perfect 
Yet some need to be told when mischief enters their minds
I am strong in power, yet humble in soul, 
We shall deliver message that awaits
Yet I am a great believer  of fate.

Jason Andrews
8th March 2012
(C) Copyright 


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