Saturday, 31 March 2018

Gods blanket

God holds you 
And starts your path again, 
Sad news for those left behind 
Yet the calling is a spiritual depend..

Saying goodbye 
shall unfold a new hello,
We shall meet again 
For gracious and humble stow.

Like a dove flying carefree through the air
Gods calling,  Austin is now at rest
Our dear lord shall give him the very best. 

A blanket of warmth 
Linger in the skies above 
Welcoming a soul to empower 
A new spiritual chapter that devour.

Hold my hand, child of mine
I shan’t let go as you are now at peace.
The solitude of the earth has been left behind 
Dear lord Jesus, please look after Austin’s spirit above
For now in harmony with eternal love.

To Austin RIP x

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